The charms that she wielded before ; Nor knows the foul worm that he frets The skin which but yesterday fools could adore, For the smoothness it held, or the tint which it wore. Shall we build to the purple of Pride, The trappings which dizen the proud?... The Quarterly Review - Página 383editado por - 1819Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | 1817 - 506 páginas which but yesterday fools could adore. For the smoothness it held, or the tint which it wore. Shall we build to the purple of Pride — The trappings...proud ? Alas! they are all laid aside — And here's neitherdress nor adornment allow'd But the long winding-sheet and the fringe of the shroud ! To Riches... | |
 | Nicholas Carlisle - 1818 - 1000 páginas's neither dress nor adornment allow'd, But the long-winding sheet and the fringe of the shroud ! To riches ? alas! 'tis in vain— Who hid, in their turns, have been hid— The treasures are squander'd again — And here in the grave are all metals forbid, But the tinsel that shone on the... | |
 | 1819 - 596 páginas
...But the shadows of eve that encompass the gloom. The abode of the dead and the place of the tomb. Z. Shall we build to Ambition? Oh, no ! Affrighted he...purple of Pride, The trappings which dizen the proud f Alas ! they are all laid aside : And here's neither dress nor adornment allowed, But the long winding-sheet,... | |
 | 1819 - 384 páginas which but yesterday fools could adore, For the smoothness it held, and the tints which it wore. Shall we build to the purple of Pride? The trappings...allowed, But the long winding-sheet and the fringe and the shroud. To Riches? Alas ! 'tis in vain— Who hid, in their turns have been hid — The treasures... | |
 | 1819 - 382 páginas
...yesterday fools could adore, For the smoothness it held, and the tints which it wore. Shall webuild to the purple of Pride? The trappings which dizen...allowed , But the long winding-sheet and the fringe and the shroud. To Riches ? Alas ! 'tis in vain — Who hid, in their turns have been hid — The treasures... | |
 | Varieties - 1819 - 774 páginas
...first Terse of the poem is not quoted. They are a paraphrase on Matthew 17 — •t. VOL. Ill, F • " Shall we build to the purple of Pride** " The trappings...aside— " And here's neither dress nor adornment allow'd, " But the long winding-sheet and the fringe of the shroud: « To Riches? alas! 'tis in vain—... | |
 | John Evans - 1819 - 444 páginas
...comprehensive word; it embraces in its wide grasp the sum and substance of our COMMON CHRISTIANITY. Shall we build to the purple of PRIDE, — The trappings...they are all laid aside, And here's neither dress nor adornments allowed, But the long winding-sheet and the fringe of the shroud. To RICHES? alas! 'tis... | |
 | Noah Worcester, Henry Ware - 1819 - 506 páginas which but yesterday fools could adore, For the smoothness it held, or the tint which it -wore. Shall we build to the purple of pride ; The trappings...Alas ! they are all laid aside ; And here's neither drese nor adornment allow'd, But the long winding sheet, and the fringe of the shroud t To riches ?... | |
 | 1819 - 728 páginas
...stanzas is given to connect the others with the original. The pencil of »ome future HOCA»TH. shal, I P Shall we build to the purple of Pride, The trappings...dizen the proud ? Alas ! they are all laid aside, And here 's neither dress nor adornments allow'd, But the long winding-sheet and the fringe of the shroud.... | |
 | 1819 - 406 páginas
...held, or the tint which it wore. Shall we build to the purple of Pride — The trappings which diz'n the proud; Alas ! they are all laid aside — And here's neither dress nor adornment allow'd Bnt the long winding-sheet and the fringe of the shrowd ! • To Biches? Alas ! 'tis in vain... | |
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