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In all stages of human society, from the time at least of its emerging from absolute barbarism, no disposition seems more general than the delight which is taken in works of fiction. These form part, and generally a favourite part, of the literature of every nation. Considering the consummate wisdom which is displayed in every other part of the human constitution, it appears improbable that so universal an inclination should be altogether of a vicious and hurtful nature, or that there should not be some useful purposes which it is destined to serve. What these purposes are, it is the object of the following


essay to inquire; as well as to point out the abuses to which this propensity is liable, and the boundaries within which its gratification ought to be confined.

The subject divides itself naturally inte two parts. In the first, I shall endeavour to ascertain the principles on which fiction is to be conducted, in order to give it an useful tendency; and in the second, to examine, according to those principles, some of the most eminent of these works, which have, at different times, been produced.



THE kinds of instruction which fiction has been supposed capable of affording seem reducible to three: to communicate a knowledge of human life and manners,—to prove the truth of some philosophical opinion, or the obligation of some moral principle,—and, lastly, to exhibit examples of conduct, superior to those which are to be met with in ordinary life.

To begin then with the first, or with those which aim at giving a faithful representation

of human life and manners. It is no doubt extremely desirable, that an individual should acquire a more extensive acquaintance with mankind than his own personal observation can furnish. This must always be, in a great degree, both limited and precarious. The objects, too, which it presents, will be often viewed through such a mist of passion and prejudice, as to prevent his forming a correct judgment respecting them. Admitting, then, the necessity of some additional information, the question is, in what manner this information may best be communicated? Now, the proper and natural mode seems to be, by a narration of such events as have actually taken place. It is by these alone that the deficiences of personal observation can be completely supplied; and that the philosopher can be enabled to trace those general laws which regulate the course of human affairs. Such being the case, we are naturally led to inquire into the circumstances which have induced men rather, in dhis view, to have recourse to fiction.

Among narratives founded upon truth,

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