Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

1. Progress: its Law and Cause. 2. Manners and Fashion. 3. The Genesis of Science. 4. The Physiology of Laughter.

5. The Origin and Function of Mu6. The Nebular Hypothesis. [sic.

8. Illogical Geology.

9. Development Hypothesis. 10. The Social Organism. 11. Use and Beauty.

12. The Sources of Architectural Types.

7. Bain on the Emotions and the 13. The Use of Anthropomor

[blocks in formation]

5. Representative Government.

6. Prison Ethics.

9. State Tamperings with Money and Banks.

7. Railway Morals and Railway 10. Parliamentary Reforms: the Policies.

8. Gracefulness.

Dangers and the Safeguards.

11. Mill versus Hamilton-the Test of Truth.




1. Morals and Moral Sentiments.
2. Origin of Animal-Worship.
3. The Classification of the Sci-


4. Postscript: Replying to Criticisms.

6. Of Laws in general and the Order of their Discovery.

7. The Genesis of Science. 8. Specialized Administrations. 9. What is Electricity? 10. The Constitution of the Sun. 11. The Collective Wisdom. 12. Political Fetichism. 13. Mr. Martineau on Evolution.

5. Reasons for dissenting from the Philosophy of Comte.


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