XIII All the wide world beside us Show like multitudinous ·where thou hast been? STANZAS WRITTEN IN DEJECTION, NEAR NAPLES I THE sun is warm, the sky is clear, The waves are dancing fast and bright; Like many a voice of one delight, xiii. 2 Show, Mrs. Shelley, 18391 || Are, Medwin, 1832. 3 Puppets passing, Mrs. Shelley, 18391 || Shadows shifting, Medwin, 1832. xiii. 4, 5, Mrs. Shelley, 18391 || What but mockery may they mean? Medwin, 1832. Stanzas. Published by Mrs. Shelley, 1824. Composed in December. i. 4 might, Boscombe MS. || light, Mrs. Shelley, 1824. 5 Benbow, 1826, Mrs. Shelley, 18391; omit, Mrs. Shelley, 1824; moist earth, Boscombe MS. || moist air, Mrs. Shelley, 18391; west wind, Medwin, 1847. II I see the Deep's untrampled floor With green and purple sea-weeds strown; Like light dissolved in star-showers, thrown; Is flashing round me, and a tone How sweet! did any heart now share in my emotion. III Alas! I have nor hope nor health, And walked with inward glory crowned- Smiling they live, and call life pleasure ;To me that cup has been dealt in another mea sure. IV Yet now despair itself is mild, Even as the winds and waters are; I could lie down like a tired child, And weep away the life of care Which I have borne and yet must bear, ii. 8 measured, Mrs. Shelley, 1824 || mingled, Medwin, 1847. 9 did any heart now, Mrs. Shelley, 1824 || if any heart could, Medwin, 1847. iv. 4 the, Mrs. Shelley, 1824 || this, Medwin, 1847. Till death like sleep might steal on me, And I might feel in the warm air My cheek grow cold, and hear the sea Breathe o'er my dying brain its last monotony. Some might lament that I were cold, Unlike this day, which, when the sun Will linger, though enjoyed, like joy in memory yet. SONNET LIFT not the painted veil which those who live Call Life; though unreal shapes be pictured there, And it but mimic all we would believe With colors idly spread, behind, lurk Fear And Hope, twin Destinies, who ever weave I knew one who had lifted it- he sought, iv. 9 dying, Mrs. Shelley, 1824 || outworn, Medwin, 1847. Sonnet. Published by Mrs. Shelley, 1824. 6 Mrs. Shelley, 18391 || The shadows, which the world calls sub stance, there, Mrs. Shelley, 1824. 7 had, Mrs. Shelley, 18391 || omit, Mrs. Shelley, 1824. But found them not, alas! nor was there aught |