Imágenes de páginas

Bolshevists, The, and Asia, 155–

Bonesetting, methods of, 330-333.
Boodin, Dr J. E., 'Cosmic Evolution,'

Books, Some Recent, 193-202; 427-

Bourgeois, Emile, 'Modern France,'

Bowen, E. E., Harrow Songs and
Verses,' 240.

Bowhay, T. A., 'Life and Man,' 433.
Braddon, Miss, 'Lady Audley's
Secret,' 118.

Brassac, Prof., edition of 'Manuel

Biblique,' on the Roman Index,7-10.
Brehmer, Hermann, founder of sana-

torium treatment, 326 note.
Bretherton, C. H., 'Midas,' 143.
Bridge, G. F., on war, 55.

Bridges, Robert, Ode to Eton,' 361.
British Air Power, 16-31.
British-American Diplomacy, 203-


British Spirit, The, 184-192.

British, the, characteristics, 187-191.
British Wars, Short Histories of,

Brown, Dr Dyce, 'Permeation of
Present Day Medicine by Homœo-
pathy,' 323.

Browne, Sir Thomas, 'Religio Medici,'
on the Roman Index, 1.

Bryce, Dr Alexander, 'Mechano-
Therapy in Disease,' 331.
Bryce, James, Viscount, British
Ambassador in Washington, 229-
'American Commonwealth,' ib.
Buchanan, John, President of the
United States, 211.

Burton, Decimus, architect of the
Athenæum, 72.

Byzantine civilisation, 169.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Class Teaching in Schools, 400-410.
Clavis Majoris Sapientiæ,' 182.
Cleveland, Grover, President of the
United States, on the Law of
Nations, 211.

Cobbett, William, description of the
villages, 365.

Collins, Mortimer, 'Sweet Anne
Page,' 102.

Collins, Wilkie, 'The Moonstone,'
102 Woman in White,' ib.
'Conjunct Expeditions,' 53 note.
Conrad, Joseph, 'Nostromo,' 33.
Conservative Party, national duty,
412-establishment of peace in
industry, 413, 426-principles, 422.
Constantinople, position, 277, 280-
founded, 278-the 'New Rome,' 282.
Consumption, treatment of, 324.
Cooper, F. S. Ashley, W. G. Grace,
Cricketer,' 238.

[ocr errors]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Custance, Admiral Sir Reginald,
'War at Sea,' 64.


Daniel, R. J., 'Animal Life in the
Sea,' 195.

Dardanelles peninsula, 280.

Das, Dr Abinas Chandra, 'Rig Vedic
Culture,' 194.

Daumier, Honoré, caricatures, 48.
Davy, Sir Humphry, experiments
with gases, 320.
'De anima,' 181.

De Artibus Romanorum,' 175.
'De Compositione Alchymie,' 177.
Demertzês, Constantine, candidate
for the Greek Presidency, 84.
Democracy, definition of, 162.
Devil, the, caricatures of, 38, 42.
Dicey, Prof., on the British Common-
wealth of Nations, 225.
Dickens, Charles,

[ocr errors]

Martin Chuzzle-
wit,' 140, 146 - conception of a
game of cricket, 241.

Direct Action, policy of, 126-130-
definition, 127.

Disraeli, Rt Hon. Benjamin, 'Lord
George Bentinck,' 385.

Dryden, John, at Trinity College,
Cambridge, 349, 352.

Duchesne, André, history of the
Church, on the Roman Index, 5.
Dumas, Alexandre, 'Monte Cristo,'
112- The Three Musketeers,' ib.

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Gardiner, A. G., on British-American
relations, 224.

Gautier, Paul, 'Le Rire et la Cari-
cature,' 33.

Gerard of Cremona, translations of
alchemical books, 172, 179, 181.
Germany, number of air raids, 18-
construction works, 20.

Ghent, Treaty of, 218, 219.

Gibbon, E., at Magdalen College,

Oxford, 356-'Decline and Fall,'
ib.-tutors, 357.

Godwin, A. H., 'Gilbert and Sulli-
van,' 436.

Godwin, William, Enquiry Con-
cerning Political Justice,' 431.
Gordon, Sir Home, 'That Test Match,'

Gosse, Sir Edmund, 'Life of Swin-
burne,' 360.

Grace, W. G., character of his cricket,
236-239-story of, 246.

Grant, James, 'Romance of War,' 116.
Gray, Thomas, at Pembroke Hall,
Cambridge, 355-The Elegy written
in a Country Churchyard,' ib.-
'On a Distant Prospect of Eton
College,' 361.

Great Britain, air forces, 20-rela-
tions with Greece, 87-89.
Greece, relations with Italy, 87-
with Great Britain, 87-89-with
Albania, 89 chief phases of
history, 92-natural beauties, 95
-character of the people, 96.
Green, J. R., History of the English
People,' 53.

[ocr errors]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Haggard, Sir Henry Rider, The
Days of My Life,' 427.
Haldane, Sir William, proposed in-
spection of farms, 374.
Hamilton, Alexander, on the aim of
American policy, 222.
Hamley, Sir Edward, 'Operations of
War,' 53, 57,

Harvey, William, discovery of the
circulation of the blood, 317;
'Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu
Cordis,' ib,

Haskins, Prof. C. H., 'Studies in
the History of Medieval Science,'

Hawke, Lord, The Memorial Bio-
graphy of W. G. Grace,' 238.
Hay, John, American Minister, in
London, 228-character of his
policy, 229-treaty, ib.

Hayward, Abraham, member of the
Athenæum Club, 77.

Henderson, Colonel,

article on
'War,' 54-'Stonewall Jackson,'
Herbert, George, at Trinity College,
Cambridge, 351-'The Temple,' ib.
Hinduism, evolution of, 156.

Historical Research, Institute of, in
London, 52.

Hobbs, J. B., cricket matches, 244.
Hogarth, 'Characters and
catures,' 43.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

and Nutritional Diseases of an
Army,' 328 note.

Hutton, Dr, Dean of Winchester,
'Thomas Becket,' 434.

Hutton, Richard and Robert, bone-
setters, 332.

Hypnotism, value of, 323.


Incidentals, meaning of the term,
203-205, 226.


India, religions, 155-system of caste,
popularity of
Gandhi, 161-abhorrence of Bol-
shevism, 164.

Indian frescoes, caricatures, 35.
Industry, need for peace in, 412-414.
Iraq, Air Force strength, 22.
Italy, air forces, 20-relations with
Greece, 87.


Jam Sahib, 'The Jubilee Book of
Cricket,' 238.

James, G. P. R., character of his
books, 110-'Henry Masterton,'

Japanese, the adaptability, 163.

Jay, John, Chief Justice of the United
States, 211-envoy to England, 212
-treaty, 213.

Jefferson, President of the United
States, policy, 216-on the policy
of Great Britain, 220, 224.

Jenner, Dr William, discovery of
vaccination, 318-result of his
experiments, 319.

Jews, the caricatures, 40.

Johnson, Dr Samuel, on the meaning
of caricature, 32-at Oxford Uni-
versity, 354.

Johnson, William, 'Ionica,' 361.
Jörgensen, Johannes, 'Saint Francis
of Assisi,' 336, 343.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Knight, William, 'Diary in the Dar-
danelles,' 281.

Krapp, Prof. George Philip, The
English Language in America,' 147,
149, 151.

'Kuklos' route, 264.


Labour Party, tendency, 388-prin-
ciples of socialism, 394-internal
condition, 412.

Lamb, Charles, all usions to Oxford,
349, 358.

'Land and the Nation, The,' 372.
Lane, Sir William Arbuthnot, lec-
ture on Fractures,' 331.
Latin classics, study of, 170.
Lawrence, George, 'Guy Livingstone,'


Leaf, Dr Walter, 'Strabo on the
Troad,' 266-274- Troy, a Study
in Homeric Geography,' 281.
Legouis, Emile, 'A History
English Literature,' 198.
Lever, Charles, character of his
novels, 114-Charles O'Malley,'
115-'Tom Burke of Ours,' ib.
Levy, Amy, 'Reuben Sachs,' 286.
Lewis, Sinclair, 'Martin Arrow-
smith,' 144 et seq.

Liberal Party, internal condition, 412.
'Liber Secretorum Artis,' 181.
Lillywhite, John, cricket matches,

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Lockhart, Lawrence, Fair to See,'
104, 106.

London, map of, 262-name-plates
of streets, 263.

Lords, House of, Reform of the, 417,

Lucas, E. V., 'The Hambledon Men,'

Luther, Martin, caricatures, 41.
Lyall, Edna, 'Donovan,' 118-' We
Two,' ib.

Lynch, Bohun, 'Caricature,' 32.
Lyttelton, Edward, 'Class Teaching
in Schools,' 400.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

The Study of the Pulse,' 329—
'Diseases of the Heart,' 330.
Macknight, Prof., English Words
and their Background,' 149, 153.
Maclaren, A. C., 'The Perfect Bats-
man,' 244.

Madison, President of the United
States, policy, 217-on the policy
of Great Britain, 221.

Maeterlinck, Maurice, books on the
Roman Index, 10.

Malcolm, James Peller, caricatures,

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Marlowe, Christopher, at Corpus
Christi College, Cambridge,' 349.
Marsh, George P., on the uni-
formity of American speech, 142.
Mason, Charlotte M., 'An Essay to-
wards the Philosophy of Educa-
tion,' 408.

Mathers, Helen, 'Comin' thro' the
Rye,' 118.

Maxwell, Sir Herbert, The Creevey
Papers,' edited by, 384.

Maude, Aylmer, The Devil,' trans-
lated by, 200.

Medicine and Surgery, Some
Pioneers of, 315–335.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Ouida, character of her books, 106-

Oxford, Cambridge, and Litera-
ture, 347-363,


Page, Walter Hines, 'Letters,' 143-
on the British spirit, 190.
Paine, Tom, on the aim of American
policy, 222.

Pangalos, General, The Presi
dency of, 82-97.

Paraskevopoulos, General, Premier
of Greece, 90-resignation, ib.
Parker, Eric, 'Between the Wickets,'

Parliament, The Manners and
Traditions of, 379-399.

Parton, James, 'Caricatures and
Other Comic Art,' 38.

Pasteur, Prof., discoveries on the
fermentation of milk and wine,

[blocks in formation]

Philipon, Charles, 'La Caricature,' 47.
Pic, Prof. Paul, on collective agree-
ments, 137.

Picketing, practice of, 132.

Pinckney, Thomas, American Min-
ister in London, 212.

Pinckney, William, American Min-
ister in London, 215.

Pioneers of Medicine and Sur-
gery, Some, 315-335.

Political Situation, The, 411-426.
Pollard, Prof. A. F., The Claims of
Historical Research in London,'
51 note, 54.

Priestley, J. B., 'George Meredith,'


Problem of Motor Traffic, The,

Prohibited Books, The Roman
Index of, 1-15.

Pycroft, 'Cricket Field,' 234, 242.

Railway Clerks' Association, receipts
and expenses, 306.


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