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jeres vir me to the f they injure Der my fervite them1 der jemiors, mi recently speaking, perturn the social and Brmestic duties of life, ni with decency and regularity, they are therefore secure: and that at all events, a Saviour's merits will ensure their pardon and acceptance at the last. But I am bold to tell them, that kind offices done to a fellow-creature, will not make up for

neglect of duty to God; and that, although Christ died for sinners, his atonement will not affect the wilful, the impenitent offender.

I beseech you, my friends, no longer to persist in this dreadful course. Think of the fearful end which awaits you, if you are so hardy as to do so. I conjure you, by every consideration for your eternal interests; by the sufferings of a crucified Saviour; by the love of a redeeming Jesus;-I warn you by the judgments of the Lord, and by the terrors of the damned, to "think on these things," before they be for ever hidden from your eyes. Imitate your beloved

Redeemer, who, though "Lord of the Sabbath," yet Himself vouchsafed to observe it, and to enforce the same, by precept and example, on all his followers. Imitate Him, who has been graciously pleased to declare, that "where two or three are gathered together in his name, he will be in the midst of them." Seek that Saviour, who invites you to come to him. Seek him in his own appointed way. He is your great High-Priest and Intercessor with the Father. He is "the way, the truth, and the

1 Matt. xviii. 30.

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PSALM li. 3.

"I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me."

HAVING heretofore explained to you the meaning of the term "Lent," the holy season on which we have now entered, I shall, in the present discourse merely commence by observing that this season of Lent, which in the Saxon language signifies "spring," our Church has set apart more especially for humbling ourselves before God, and for repenting of those manifold and great transgressions, which we have all from "time to time most grievously committed against the Divine Majesty" of heaven.

The words which I have chosen for my text, will not, I trust, be deemed inappropriate to the peculiar subject of repentance. They were

uttered by him, who, having sinned, felt full well the necessity of confessing himself before his Maker, and of imploring the Divine forgiveness with all humility and contrition of heart. Let me then, my Christian brethren, beseech you to give your serious and devout attention, wallst, nder God's assistance, I endeavour to set before you the importance of fulfilling that solemn duty, which we find even “the man after God's own heart” fe essential to perform.

And where is the individual, even the most getless amongst us who, under a just sense of his own moverthiness, and of the deep-rooted correption of his nature, and of his continued all that is pare, holy, just, and powertil—where is that guilty child of fallen Adam whom it does not beteve, Eke David, A MUNDUR LANed before the footstool of God's thrown and to say I aktorledge my faults, and my as ever before me :" for "we have" Add "ned and come short of the glory

Gal Na desiles these and other proofs of mans extreme suchess with which the Holy Serpyuns abound sumy our own hearts, our

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