Imágenes de páginas

water, i. 194; in churches, ii. 426; quarter notes
in, ii. 25; experiments touching, ii. 24; voluntary
in voice only, ii. 33; effect of different sorts, ii. 26;
on the water, ii. 30.

Music and medicine conjoined in Apollo, i. 203.
Musical instrument played on by the rays of the sun,
ii. 570.

Musical glasses, ii. 8.

Musicians, their precept to fall from discords to accords,
i. 194.

Mysteries, danger of prying into, i. 295; their origin,
i. 70; of God not to be drawn down to man's rea-
son, but man raised to divine things, i. 195.

NAME of nations, though seemingly superficial, carries
much impression, ii. 141; one of the external points
of separation with Scotland, ii. 144.

Names, ii. 454.

Naphtha, a bituminous mortar, ii. 462.

Naples, disease of, its origin, ii. 10; the Spaniards
in competition with the sea of Rome for Naples, ii.
201, 214.

Narcissus, his manner of relating to Claudius the
marriage of Messalina and Silius, i. 30.
Narcissus, the flower of, representing unprofitable self-
love, i. 289.

Narrations, nurseries for history, i. 190.

Natural divination, two sorts, i. 206.

perfect nature, i. 55; a little natural philosophy dis-
poses to atheism, much to religion, i. 71, 83; Vale-
rius Terminus of the interpretation of nature, i. 81.
Nature, thoughts and observations concerning the
interpretation of, i. 422-434; ii. 551; principles
and origins of, according to the fables of Cupid and
heaven, i. 435; only conquered, by obeying, i. 431;
interpretation of, iii. 345, 371.

Nature of revelation, i. 241.

Natures of much heat not fit for action in youth, i.

[blocks in formation]

Neptune's temple, saying of Diagoras, i. 211.

Natural history, division of, i. 187; often fabulous, i. Nero, Apollonius's reason for his overthrow, ii. 277.


Natural light, kindling of, i. 454.

Natural magic, defective, i. 199; Paracelsus's school
of, i. 206; its true sense, i. 195.
Natural philosophy, book of Job pregnant with, i.
177; analogy between, and speculative philosophy,
i. 199; divided into three parts, i. 199; concerning
principles of, i. 194; assisted by registry of doubts,
i. 200; concerning the soul or spirit, i. 194; prin-
cipally assisted by mechanical history, i. 188; the
least followed of all knowledge, i. 97; received great
opposition from superstition, i. 97; gives an excel-
lent defence against superstition and infidelity, i. 98;
causes which have retarded its progress, i. 424; new
systems of, i. 427.

Natural philosophy in Orpheus's Fable, i. 295.
Natural prudence, experimental, philosophical, and
magical, i. 199; operative part of natural philosophy,
i. 199.

Natural theology, the contemplation of God in his
creatures, i. 194.

Natural reason, Sarah's laughter an image of, i.

Natural science and natural prudence, i. 195.
Natural and Experimental History, preparation for,
iii. 426; history, iii. 434.

Nature, its quantum eternal, i. 194; her truth said
to be hid in mines and caves, i. 195; experiment on
the secret processes of, ii. 23; an order in the govern-
ment of the world, ii. 138; its fundamental law,
ii. 138; as considered by philosophers, i. 194.

Nature and man, how differing in spirit, i. 211.

Nero's opinion of Seneca's style, i. 111; wish of a
senator respecting his father, i. 111.
Nero and Nerva, difference between, ii. 277.
Nerva and Trajan, King James I. compared to, ii.


Nerva, a learned prince, i. 177; Tacitus's character
of, i. 177.

Netherlands, revolt of, from Philip of Spain, occa-
sioned by his resolution to disannut their liberties
and establish a martial government, ii. 259; received
into Queen Elizabeth's protection, ii. 259.

Nettles, their roots and leaves, ii. 267; roots of, ii.


Nevil, Sir Henry, ambassador to France, ii. 354.
Neville, privy to conspiracy of the Earl of Essex, ii.


Neville's, John, Lord, case, ii. 528.

New Atlantis, i. 255; employment of fellows in, i.
269; ordinances, hymns, and services, i. 269; dedi-
cation of, i. 255; Solomon's house in, i. 255, 262;
end of foundation, i. 266; caves in, i. 266; towers
in, i. 266; lakes in, i. 266; atmosphere artificial, i.
267; health chambers of, i. 267; orchards in, i.
267; parks for animals in, i. 267; pools in, i. 267;
drinks and dispensations, i. 268; furnaces in, i.


New things, though they help by their utility, they
trouble by their inconformity, i. 32; are like
strangers, more admired and less favoured, i. 32.
Newport, battle of, ii. 211; bravery of the English
there, ii. 211.

Nilus, water of, sweet, ii. 103.

Nature of man, what grateful and agreeable to the, Nimrod, the first conqueror, ii. 168.

ii. 137.

Nature of men, i. 177.

Nisibis, arguments of those who opposed surrendering,
on the retreat of the Roman army out of Persia, ii.


Nisi prius judge supplied by commission, ii. 499.
Nitre, its power and qualities, ii. 12, abundance of, in
certain sea-shores, ii. 104; experiment touching, ii.

Nature in men, essay on, i. 45 the modes of subduing
nature, i. 45; runs either to herbs or weeds, i. 45;
not to be trusted to unless corroborated by custom,
i. 45; hot natures not ripe for action till after their
meridian, i. 483; reposed natures earlier, i. 48; a
consent between body and mind, and where nature
errs in one she ventures in the other, i. 49; studies tion with Scotland, ii. 146; considerations touching
VOL. III.-72


Nobilities, several, one of the internal points of separa-

3 в 2

them, ii. 147; suggestions to raise nobility among
the undertakers of the plantations in Ireland, ii.

Nobility, essay of, i. 21; the multiplying of, in an over-
proportion, brings a state to necessity, i. 23; de-
pressed by Henry VII., which made his times full of
troubles, i. 28; their too great increase hurts the
peasant, i. 37; superfluity of, decreases military
power, i. 336.

Noblemen, their hospitality conduces to martial great-
ness, i. 37; better governors in new plantations than
merchants, i. 41.

Noblemen's chaplains, new residence of, ii. 428.
Noel, Henry, his opinion of courtiers, i. 121.
Norfolk, Duke of, proved at his condemnation that the
Duke of Alva and the Spanish ambassador plotted
with him, ii. 260; his attainder, i. 318.
Northampton, Earl of, an answer of his, i. 118.
Northumberland, Earl of, slain by insurgents, i. 334.
Notes, as to quarter notes in music, ii. 25.

Norris, Colonel Sir John, repulses the Spaniards at
Rimenant, ii. 207; memorable retreat of, to Gaunt,
ii. 208.

Nottingham, Earl of, second invasion of Spain, and
capture of Cadiz under Earls Essex and Notting-
ham, ii. 210.

Nourishing, way of, iii. 478.

Novelty, love of, an impediment to knowledge, i. 95;
though not rejected, should be suspected, i. 32.
Novum Organum, iii. 343; Bacon's opinion of,
ii. 436.

Numa, body found after death, ii. 104; his delight in
solitude, i. 33.

OBJECTS of pursuit, i. 227.

Obligation and reward, necessary for the recovery of
the hearts of the Irish, ii. 189; consideration of
their nature, ii. 190.

Observations on a libel published in 1592, ii. 242.
Ocampo, Alonso D., Spanish succours to Kinsale
under his command, ii. 211; taken prisoner, ii. 212.
Occhus, honey distilled from, ii. 82.

Odonnell and Tyrone's endeavour to rescue Kinsale,
ii. 211.

Odour, nourishment of, ii. 128; effect of, upon Demo-
critus, ii. 128.

Odours, impoisoning by, ii. 127; touching fetid and
fragrant, ii. 112; transmission of, ii. 125.

Office of constables, iii. 315.

Office of compositions for alienations, iii. 319.
Office of rhetoric, i. 216.

Officers of state, one of the internal points of sepa-
ration with Scotland, ii. 146; considerations con-
cerning them, ii. 146.

Officers, choice of, for the king's court, ii. 387.
Ogle, Sir John, his eminent services at the battle of
Newport, ii. 211.

Oil, different sorts mixed with metals when dissolved,
ii. 465; mode of expansion of, ii. 569.
Oil of almonds mixed with spirits of wine, ii. 465.
Oil of sweet almonds nourishing, ii. 15.

Ointments, preserving, ii. 466.

Old men love young company, ii. 129.
Old age of ancient sophists, ii. 129.

Olympian games, i. 205.

Omoores, Owny Mac Roory chief of the, ii. 351.
Openers, medicines, ii. 468.

Opinion, private, more free, before others more reve-
rend, i. 29; a master wheel, not long-lived without
supported by worth, ii. 514.

Opinions of Pluto and Parmenides, i. 197; differ-
ences of, touching principles of nature, i. 200, 201.
Opium, how qualified, ii. 10.
Opportunity, necessity of, ii. 485; should be taken
advantage of, ii. 485.
Orange, Prince of, hurt by the Spanish boy, ii. 18.
Orchards, i. 267; planting of. ii. 384.
Order the life of despatch, i. 32.
Order for confirming report, ii. 482.
Orders, invalid if granted by abuse, ii. 481; copies of,

to be kept by register, ii. 481; the lord chancellor's,
ii. 474; holy examinations for, ii. 427; to be set
down by register as pronounced by lord chancellor,
ii. 481; made, not altered on petition, though they
may be stayed, ii. 484.

Ordinances in chancery, ii. 479.

Ore, degrees of richness how known, ii. 460.
Ormus taken from Spain by the Persians, ii. 201,

Ornamenta Rationalia, account of, i. 10.

Otho having slain himself, pity provoked his followers
to die, i. 12.

Orpheus, the allegory of his harp explained, ii. 184.
Orpheus, or the sirens, i. 313.

Orpheus, or philosophy, i. 295.

Orrice root, experiment touching the, ii. 119.
Ostend, valour of the English at, ii. 212.
Ostrich ran with her head off, ii. 59.
Outlawry, plea of, ii. 483.

Overbury, Sir T., poisoned in the Tower, ii. 509; mur-
der of, 1613, ii. 316..

Owen, Mr., charge against for high treason, ii. 313; sup-
plement to Sir Francis Bacon's speech in the King's
Bench against, ii. 512; his case, ii. 514.
Oxidrakes, in India, ordnance known in that city,

i. 61.

Oysters, Colchester, fattened by fresh water, ii. 94.

PACE, the bitter fool's answer to Queen Elizabeth,
i. 107.

Padua, its recovery and defence justified, ii. 202
Paget, Lady, her answer to Elizabeth, i. 121.
Paintings of the body, ii. 99.

Painting, a painter may make a better face than ever
was, i. 49.

Pain, resistance of, ii. 96.

Pallas armed, the fable of her birth containeth a secret
of empire, i. 28.

Palace, description of a perfect one, i. 50.
Palatinate, despair of recovering it by treaty, ii. 198,
recovery of it a just ground of war with Spain,
ii. 202.

Paleness, cause of, ii. 96.

Pan, or nature, i. 289; his beard and hair depicting
beams or influence of celestial bodies, i. 290; his
horns depicting a pyramid, i. 290; his ensigns de-
noting harmony and empire, 291.

Pan's marriage with Echo, i. 292.

Pan, his cloak representing the stars, i. 291; his
hunting describing progression, i. 291; his wrestling
with Cupid, i. 292; his catching Typhon in a net,
nature overcoming the elements, i. 292; his finding
Ceres, depicting inventions the work of chance,
i. 292.

Pantomimi imitate the voice, ii. 40.

Panama, the land enterprise of, ill measured, i. 212.
Papists, more knotted in dependence towards Spain
and among themselves, ii. 206; the true reason of
the severe laws against, ii. 206.

Paper, experiment on chambletting of, ii. 100.

Parables, use of, i. 272.

Parable of Jotham, ii. 270; the gates of sleep, i. 228.
- Paracelsus, his school of natural magic, i. 206; on
mercury and sulphur, ii. 53.

Paradise, man's work in was contemplation, i. 175;
birds of, feetless, ii. 269.

Paradoxes, represented by the fable of Echo, i. 292;
Christian, ii. 410.

Pardons, revision of grants of, ii. 473.

Parents and children, essay of, i. 15.

Paris, his judgment for beauty before wisdom, i. 183.
Paris, valour of the English at the suburbs of, ii. 212.
Parisatis poisoning one side of a knife, ii. 322.
Parks for animals, i. 267.

Parliament, the perfection of monarchy, ii. 285; mode
of marshaling business in, ii. 286; of the United
Kingdom, four considerations of, ii. 146; how to be
looked on, ii. 270; when controlled by the common
law, ii. 506; liberty of, ii. 276.

Parliaments, use of, ii. 380; several, one of the inter-
nal points of separation with Scotland, ii. 146.

Parma, Duke of, assists Don John of Austria, at Ri-
menant, ii. 207; a strong army ready under his
conduct to join the Spanish Armada, ii. 208; alle-
gation that he delayed coming to join the Armada,
a pretence of the Spaniards, ii. 209; the assailant
at the battle of Newport, ii. 211.

Parmenides, his opinions of unity, i. 197; the philo-
sophy of, i. 435.

Parmenides' tenet concerning cold, ii. 19.
Parrots imitate sounds, ii. 40.

Parry, a cunning traitor, the evasion he had prepared
for his treason, ii. 217.

Particular objects, their investigation not an endless
task, as that of opinions and disputes is, ii. 559.
Particular histories, catalogue of, iii. 431.
Partitions of knowledge, rule in the, i. 201.

Passion, fable of Dionysius, i. 303; no affectation in,

i. 45.

Passions of the mind, impressions they make on the
body, ii. 95.

Passive good, i. 221.

Passive, resistance in quantity of, ii. 460.

Patents, letter to the king from Lord Chancellor
Bacon touching, ii. 527.

Pater Patriæ, ii. 266.

Patrimony of the church, ii. 378.
Patience, i. 205.

Pawlet's, Sir Amyas, saying respecting haste, i. 112.
Peace, among nations an empty name, ii. 204; effect
of, in fruitful kingdoms, ii. 184; disposition to, ii.
382; King Henry VII. said, when Christ came,
peace was sung; when he died, it was bequeathed,
i. 381.

Peacham, Edmund, matters relating to his trial, ii. 511;
his case, ii. 514.

Peacock's examinations, letter to the king concerning,
from F. Verulam, canc., ii. 505.
Peccant humours of learning, i. 172.
Pedantical knowledge, i. 218.

Peers, names of who found the Earl of Essex guilty,
ii. 363; house of, power of judicature of the, ii. 380.
Pegasus, i. 293.

Pellæ, answer of a Lacedæmonian taken at, to an
Athenian, i. 108.

Pellet, expulsion of the, ii. 11.
Peloponnesian war, its cause the fear of the Lacedæ-
monians, and the greatness of the Athenians, ii. 203.
Penal laws, the number of them, ii. 230; certificate
touching the projects of Stephen Proctor relating to,
ii. 236; the people so ensnared in a multitude of

penal laws, that the execution of them cannot be
borne, ii. 236; during the reign of James I., ii. 306,
Penance of certain monks in Russia, i. 46.
Penelope's web, ii. 474.
Pensile, whether solid globe can remain so, ii. 586.
Pentheus, his misery from presumption, i. 295.
People not competent judges, ii. 420.

People, offences which concern the, and are capital,
ii. 292; offences which concern, not capital, ii. 293;
the voice of the, ii. 486.

Pepper, its medicinal property, ii. 14.
Percussion, experiments touching, ii. 103; effect of,
upon liquids, ii. 8; quickness of, the cause of sound,
ii. 33.

Percussions creating tones, ii. 24.
Percolation, experiments in, ii. 7.
Perkin Warbeck, personates the Duke of York, i. 346;
his birth and education, i. 347; conspiracy in his
favour, i. 349; his address to the King of Scotland,
i. 357; his insurrection in Cornwall, i. 365; accepts
Henry's mercy, i. 367; his confession, i. 367; con-
spiracy in the Tower in favour of, i. 369; his exe-
cution at Tyburn, i. 370.

Perfect history, i. 189.
Persian magic, i. 194.
Persians take Ormus, ii. 201, 214; their empire a
proof that multitudes of provinces are matters of
burden rather than of strength, illustrated by the
conquest of Alexander the Great, ii. 223.

Persia, its three great revolutions, ii. 229.
Perseus, or war, i. 292.

Perseus, King of Macedon, Livy's censure against his
mode of carrying on war, ii. 216.
Persecution, end of, ii. 415.

Perfection, the last part of business, i. 32; bred by the
practice being harder than the use, i. 45.

Perfumes, use of, ii. 127.

Peripatetics' doctrine of fire, ii. 12.
Perjury, wilful and corrupt, punishable, ii. 290.
Pestilential years, experiments touching, ii. 99.
Petit treason, cases of, ii. 162; punishment of, ii. 163.
Petitions, desire of the lords at a conference that the
commons should consider of the inconveniences of
entertaining petitions concerning private injuries, ii.
196; reasons and precedents against their receiving
them, ii. 197; what not granted by, ii. 484; what

granted by, ii. 485; what may be stayed by, ii. 484.
Pewter, what made of, ii. 459.

Philip, King of Castile, driven on the English coast, i.
378; his interview with King Henry, i. 378.
Philip of Macedon, saying of his, i, 113; his dream, i.
43; replies made to him, i. 116; comparison of him
to Philip of Spain, ii. 255.

Philip the Fair, his conduct to Boniface the VIIIth, ii.


Philip of Spain, the points whereon he grounded his
plots, ii. 256; his conduct on Queen Elizabeth's
accession, ii. 258.

Philocrates, a wine-drinker, i. 228.
Philosophers, how they have considered nature, i. 194;
quantity, i. 194; similitude, i. 194; diversity, i. 194;
force of union, i. 194; why some things in mass, i.
194; why some so rare, i. 194; some pioneers and
some smiths, i. 195; flattery of great men by, i. 169;
Greek, i. 172.

Philosophia prima, i. 193; men have abandoned, i. 173.
Philosophies, of most vigour at first, i. 85.
Philosophy and religion, remedies against the sirens,
i. 313; of commixed, prejudicial to both, i. 195.
Philosophy, human, miscellaneous tracts upon, i. 79;
university lectures, advice to raise the pension of, out
of the Sutton estate, ii. 241; of athletic, little inves-
tigated, i. 205; its double scale, ascendent and de-
scendent, i. 195; superficial knowledge of, incline
the mind to atheism, i. 164; or divinity cannot be
searched too far, i. 164; natural, assisted by registry
of doubts, i. 2003; natural, supported by mechanical
history, i. 188; natural, divided into three parts, i.
199; natural, prudence the operative part of, i. 199;
relates to the reason, i. 187; ought to reject vain
speculations, i. 174; divine, human, and natural, i.
193; primitive or summary, i. 193; universal de-
scription of, i. 194; described by negative, i. 194;
vain, St. Paul's admonition against, i. 163; its ad-
vantages to religion, i. 176; conclusion of, i. 239.
Philosophy and arms, instances of concurrence in, i.
164, 165.

Philosophy and universality, professions supplied from,
i. 185.

Phocion, obstinacy of, i. 165; his saying when ap-
plauded by the people, i. 109; his reply to a messen-
ger from Alexander with a present, i. 118.

Physic, a man's own observation of what he finds good
the best, i. 39; university lectures of, advice to raise
the pension of, out of the Sutton estate, ii. 241; un-
necessary in a well-dieted body, i. 165.

Physician, a wise, will consider if disease in patient be
incurable, ii. 17.

Physicians, predictions of, i. 206; contrarieties of, i.
39; advice respecting, i. 39; judged by events, i.
203; regimens recommended by, i. 202; duty of, to
mitigate the pain of death, i. 204; apply themselves
to studies out of their profession, i. 203; excellence
in, little encouraged, i. 203; why at times less suc-
cessful than quacks, i. 204.

Physiological remains, ii. 455.

Physical causes, knowledge of, i. 199; their search
neglected, i. 198.

Physic and metaphysic, i. 195.

Physic, handleth that which is in nature a being and
moving, i. 196; inherent in matter, and transitory,
i. 196; a middle term between natural history and
metaphysic, i. 196; three parts of, i. 196.

Physiognomy, i. 201; deficiency in, i. 201.

Piety of Queen Elizabeth, i. 398.

Pindarus's saying, ii. 268.

kingdoms, i. 41; what people you should plant with,
i. 41; the sinfullest thing to forsake a plantation,
i. 42.

Plantations and buildings necessary to reduce Ireland
to civility, ii. 188.
Plant, the sleeping, ii. 82.
Plants, sympathy and antipathy of, ii. 67; experiments
promiscuous touching, ii. 82; seasons in which they
come forth, ii. 77; rudiments and excrescences of,
ii. 74; why they live longer than men, ii. 16; expo-
riments on foreign, ii. 77; producing of perfect with-
out seed, ii. 76; degenerating of, ii. 72; of making
them medicinable, ii. 69; several figures of, ii. 78;
earth not necessary to the sprouting of, ii. 85; touch-
ing the principal differences of, ii. 79; effect of wind
upon, ii. 87; growth of, helped by dust, ii. 88;
grafting of, ii. 62, 64; without leaves, experiment
touching, ii. 103; growth of, affected by the moon,
ii. 123; different sexes in, ii. 81; transmutation of,
ii. 72; melioration of, ii. 62.

Plants and animate bodies, difference between, ii. 81.
Plants and living creatures, affinities and differences
in, ii. 81.

Plants and fruits, curiosities about, ii. 70.
Plaster, growing as hard as marble, ii. 106.
Plato's reverence for true division and definition, i. 90;
advice to the people respecting Diogenes, i. 112;
answer to Diogenes, i. 114; commonwealth, ii. 286;
Protagoras, i. 33; school, character of, i. 99; saying
of custom, i. 118; saying of Socrates, i. 118; opi-
nion of ideas, i. 197; opinion of knowledge, i. 161;
opinion of the action of the body and mind, i. 202;
objection to the manners of his country, i. 167;
commendation of virtue, i. 216; opinion of unity, i.
197; observation on invention, i. 207; error in
mixing philosophy with theology, i. 173; compa-
rison of Socrates to gallipots, i. 168.

Plato, i. 210, 211; familiar with errors in logic, i. 208;
compared rhetoric to cookery, i. 216; remarks on
his system of natural philosophy, i. 427; subjected
the world to his contemplations, i. 438.

Platonic school and Patricius, what they have said
concerning the heaven of heavens and pure space,
mere figments, ii. 580.

Plea, definite, ii. 482.

Pilate, his question of truth, i. 11.

Pisa, cause of its revolt from Florence, ii. 155.

[blocks in formation]

bition to stay suits in chancery, ii. 514.

Pisistratus, tyranny of, mollified by Solon's laws, Pleas, common, dispute in, whether it can grant prohi-
ii. 234.

[blocks in formation]

Place, essay of great, i. 19.

Pleasure, arts of, i. 205; saying of the poets of, i. 73;
of the affections greater than of the senses; of the
intellect greater than of the affections, i. 79.

Pleasures of knowledge the greatest, i. 183; of the
affections and senses surpassed by those of the in-
tellect, i. 183.

Plinius Secundus, why his fame lasts, i. 57; his say-
ing of praises of others, i. 57.

Pliny quoted as to metals, ii. 459.

Plague, in London, and many other parts of England, Plough, what the following of good for, ii. 127.
i. 370; as to receiving, ii. 126.

[blocks in formation]

Plutarch, his saying respecting an unworthy opinion
of the gods, i. 25; of the acts of Timoleon, i. 47,
77; apophthegms draw much dregs, i. 107; saying
of, i. 123.

[blocks in formation]

Poesy, a pleasure of imagination, i. 207; refers to the | Praise of Elizabeth, discourses in, ii. 445.

imagination, i. 192; relates to the imagination, i.
187; is narrative, representative, and allusive, i.
192; no deficience in, i. 193; expresses the pas-
sions and affections better than the works of philo-
sophers, i. 193; heathen, considered, i. 193; divine,
considered, i. 193; springs up without formal seed,

[blocks in formation]

Pole, Michael de la, case of, ii. 527.

Policies of state, an impediment to knowledge, i. 95.
Policy, an order in the government of an estate, ii.
138; books of, i. 191.

Politicians, unlearned, refer all things to themselves,
i. 168; predictions of, i. 206; objections to learning
by, i. 162; judged by events, i. 203; integrity of
learned, i. 168; their objections to learning answered,
i. 164.

Polycrates, his daughter's dream, i. 43.

Praise of knowledge, i. 174; a rudiment both of the
advancement of learning and of the Novum Orga-
num, i. 7, 79.

Praise, essay on, i. 56.
Praise of the king, i. 161.
Prayers, by Bacon, ii. 405.

Preachers, mode of educating, ii. 417; evils of igno-
rant, ii. 427.

Preaching, observations on, ii. 419; ministry, it. 427;
education for, ii. 427.

Precepts, i. 236; vicious, i. 237; four, for health, ii.


Precipitation of metals, ii. 461,462.
Precedents, sometimes satisfy more than statutes, ii.
179; importance of knowing, ii. 478.

Precursors; or anticipations of the second philosophy,
iii. 521.

Predictions of politicians, i. 206; of astronomers, i.
206; of physicians, i. 206; to be despised, for the
spreading of them is mischievous, i. 43.

Preface, by Lord Bacon, i. 285.

Prefaces, great waste of time, i. 32; preoccupation of
mind requires preface, i. 32; too many before the
matter is wearisome; none at all is blunt, i. 41.
Preferment, upon what principle to be made; ii. 378;
caution to be used in, ii. 379.

Prejudice and ignorance, ii. 415.

Prelates, their contests with their kings, i. 27.

Political economy, ii. 385.

Polyphemus's courtesy, ii. 205.

Pomegranates, their use, ii. 467.

Præmunire, ii. 489; cases of, ii. 164; punishment,
trial, and proceedings in, ii. 165; for suits in the
chancery, ii. 514.

Pompey, an answer of his, i. 114.

Prenotion and emblem, i. 212.

Pompeius Magnus, memorable speech of, i. 219; his Preparation, the first part of business, i. 32.

wisdom, i. 229, 234.

Preparation and suggestion, i. 209.

Pont-Charenton echo, ii. 41.

Prerogative, Sir E. Coke's letter concerning, ii. 507;

Poor, observations concerning their relief from hospi- defying of, ii. 508; danger to his majesty's, ii. 492;

tals, ii. 240.

[blocks in formation]

turbulent bearing of Lord Coke concerning parts of
his majesty's, ii. 500; cases of the king's in Parlia-
ment, ii. 165; in war and peace, ii. 165; in matters
of money, ii. 166; of trade and traffic, ii. 166; in
the persons of his subjects, ii. 166; of the king
revealed by law, ii. 294; the king's, what, ii. 478;
first part of the law, ii. 450.

Prescripts in use, too compendious to attain their end,
i. 205.

Popham's, the speaker, answer to Queen Elizabeth,

i. 111.

Population, greatness too often ascribed to, ii. 222;
more tokens of surcharge of people than of want
and depopulation, ii. 253; true greatness consists
essentially in, ii. 222.

Popularity, delight in, ii. 137.

Porches of death, iii. 508.

Portugal, state of, in time of Queen Elizabeth, ii. 248.
Possibility, nature of, ii. 440.

Postils of his majesty in Earl Somerset's business and
charge, ii. 517.

Post-meridian sleeps, it 16.

Post-nati of Scotland, argument respecting, ii. 166.

Postures of the body, ii. 99.

Pot-metal, ii. 459.

Poundage, hardship of, ii. 267.

Poverty of friars, Machiavel's observation on, i. 166.
Powder, the effect of the shot upon, ii. 8; as to sup-
ply of, ii. 383; white, dangerous, ii. 27.
Powders and liquors, incorporation of, ii. 46.

Powers, intellectual, discourse concerning, i. 104.
Power to do good, the lawful end of aspiring, i. 19;
knowledge is, i. 182.

Power and wisdom, difference between, apparent in
the creation, i. 174.

Poynings, Sir Edward, sent to invest Sluice, i. 343;
his commission to Ireland, i. 353; his memorable
law, i. 354.

Priest and minister, ii. 426.

Pressure, motion of bodies upon their, ii. 8.
Preserving ointments, ii. 466.

Preservation of bodies, experiment on the, ii. 108.
Pretors, Roman, their conduct, ii. 471.

Pride, impediment to knowledge, i. 95.
Primitive divination, i. 206.

Princes and governors, learned, advantages of, i. 164,

Princes, advantages of learned, i. 166, 177, the most
learned are the best, i. 162; conjunction between
learned, and the happiness of their people, i. 177,

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