Imágenes de páginas

at his death, ii. 373; asks forgiveness of Raleigh, | Brittle and tough metals, ii. 461.
ii. 373.

Bodies, the division of, i. 406; straining one through
another, ii. 7; separations of, by weight, ii. 8; expe-
riments on the motion of upon their pressure, ii. 8;
contraction of in bulk, by mixture of liquid with
solid, ii. 13; imperfectly mixed, ii. 113; induration
of, ii. 20, 21; appetite in union of, ii. 45; burials or
infusions of in the earth, ii. 56; effect of winds on
men's, ii. 57; which do not draw, ii. 466; that are
borne up by water, ii. 104; conservation of, ii. 104;
of Alexander and Numa found after their death, ii.
104; experiment touching the supernatation of, ii.
107; preservation of, ii. 108; touching the fixation
of, ii. 108; insensible perception in, ii. 109; touch-
ing hard and soft, ii. 115; liquifiable, ii. 114; con-
cretions and dissolutions of, ii. 115; prreumaticals
in, ii. 115; characters of, ii. 115; ductile and tensile,
ii. 115; fragile and tough, ii. 114; different ones
which draw, ii. 466; distinction of, ii. 560.

Body, commandment of the mind over the, i. 206;
power of the imagination on the, i. 202; good of,
health, beauty, strength, pleasure, i. 202; exercise
of the, ii. 46; paintings of the, ii. 99; how to be
regulated before the use of purgatives, ii. 18; expe-
riments touching the postures of the, ii. 99; impres-
sions on by passions of the mind, ii. 95; against
the waste of by heat, ii. 467; of body, affected by,
ii. 586.

Body and mind, action of on each other, i. 202.
Boiling, swelling, and dilatation in, ii. 118.

Boldness, Essay of, i. 20.

Bona Notabilia, ii. 514.

Bones, experiments touching, ii. 100.

Bonham, Dr. his case, ii. 528.

Bonham's case, answers of Lord Coke to objections in,

ii. 506.

Boniface VIII., Philip the Fair's treatment of, ii. 390.
Books, distinction in their use, i. 55; good ones true

friends, ii. 488; friend always to be found in good
books, ii. 488; of policy, i. 191; dedications to,
i. 169.

Border court, proposal for establishing, ii. 143.
Borgia, Alexander, saying of the French, i. 200.
Bounty, a regal virtue, i. 63.
Bow, the Parthians', ii. 288.

Bracelets, to comfort spirits, ii. 132, 133.

Brain, dried and strengthened by perfumes, ii. 127.
Brand, Sebastian, famous book of, ii. 508.

Brass, weight of in water, ii. 464; what made of, ii.

459; and iron, union of, ii. 456.
Bravery stands upon comparison, i. 57:
Breakfast preservative against gout and rheums, ii. 466.
Breeding cattle, ii. 384.

Brehon laws, one of the roots of the troubles in Ire-
land, ii. 190.

Bromley, Mr. Solicitor, his answer to Justice Catline,
i. 110.

Bromley's report, ii. 501.
Broth, how to make nourishing, ii. 14.
Brown, Dr., his answer to Sir E. Dyer's narration of
Kelly's making gold, i. 122.

Brownists, dissensions in the church created by them,
ii. 249; account of them, ii. 249.
Bruises and blows, experiments on, ii. 119.
Bubbles, forms of, ii. 10.
Buckhurst, Lord Steward, in commission at the trial of
Earl of Essex, ii. 360.

Buckingham, Bacon's letters to noticing his history of
Henry VII., i. 274, 275; letter to the Earl of, from
Lord Coke, ii. 507; letter from, to the Lord Chan-
cellor, ii. 423; letter to, from Lord C. Bacon, touch-
ing Sir W. Raleigh, ii. 525; letter from, to the Lord
C. Bacon, touching Sir F. Englefyld's case, ii. 524;
to Lord C. Bacon, touching Mr. F. Foliambe's case,
ii. 524; letter to the Lord C. Bacon from, touching
Mr. Hansbye's case, ii. 523; letter from, to Lord C.
Bacon, touching Dr. Steward, ii. 525; letter from
Sir. F. Bacon to the king, touching his majesty's
defence of, ii. 519; letter to the Earl of, touching
the commendams, ii. 521; letters from, to the Lord
Keeper, ii. 521.

Buckingham, Duke of, dedication of essays to, i. 1.
Building, in the new plantations in Ireland, not to be
sparsim but in towns, ii. 186; observations on, ii.
190; essay on, i. 49; men build stately sooner than
garden finely, i. 51.

Bullen, Queen Anne, message to the king when led
to execution, i. 108.

Burchew wounds a gentleman instead of Sir Christo-
pher Hatton, ii. 263.

Burghley declares the Earl of Essex traitor, which

causes a diminution of his troop, ii. 358.
Burials in earth, experiment on, ii. 56.
Burleigh, Lord, attacked in a libel published in 1592,
ii. 243; observations thereon, ii. 2443; never sued
any man, raised any rent, or put out any tenant,
ii. 262.

Burning-glasses, ii. 27.
Burrage, leaf of, its virtue, ii. 9.

Business, affected despatch most dangerous to it, i. 32;
time is its measure, i. 32; its three parts, i. 32; an
absurd man better for than an over-formal man, i. 33;
set straight by good counsel, i. 35; character and
errors of young men in, i. 48; of old men in, i. 48;
choice of men in, i. 53; to be too full of respects is
a loss in business, i. 56; in courts it is an easier
matter to give satisfaction, than to do the business,
i. 87; first prepared, ripened by degrees, ii. 489;
like ways, and why, i. 121.

Brest, Spaniards get footing at, and expelled from, ii. CABINET of knowledge, i. 218.
200, 213.

Bresquet, the jester's answer to Francis I., i. 118.

Brewing, speculation of, in Turkey, ii. 95.

Briareus, fable of, i. 23.

Bribe accepted by Lord C. Bacon in Mr. Hansbye's
cause, ii. 523; lord chancellor accepts, in the cause
of Sir R. Egerton, ii. 522.

Bribery, ii. 435.

Brimstone and quicksilver, where found, ii. 460.
Britain, ii. 454; discourse on the true greatness of, ii.
222; great strength at sea, one of the principal
dowries of, i. 39.

Brittany, valour of the English at some encounters in,
ii. 212.

Cadiz taken by the Earls of Essex and Nottingham,
ii. 210.

Cairo, plagues in, ii. 100.

Cain, his envy towards Abel, i. 17.

Cain and Abel, contemplation and action figured in,
i. 175.

Calais, Spaniards beaten out of, ii. 200, 213; kept by
us one hundred years after we lost the rest of France,
why so long kept, and why taken, ii. 224; overtures
of peace broken off upon the article of the restitution
of Calais, ii. 258; in the possession of Spaniards,
ii. 287.

Calanus, the Indian, his advice to Alexander, ii. 228.
Calcination of metals, ii. 460, 461.


Calendar of things not invented, i. 200; supposed im-
possibilities, i. 200; discoveries leading to inven-
tions, i. 200; popular errors, i. 200; of inventions
now extant, i. 200.

Callisthenes's praise and dispraise of the Macedonian
nation, ii. 229, 235; mode of becoming famous,
i. 115.

Calore et Frigore, De, the rudiment of the affirmative
table in the Novum Organum, i. 9.

Calves of the legs, how to form, ii. 11.

Calvin's case, Sir F. Bacon's argument in it, ii. 166.

Canals, making profitable, ii. 384.

Candles, how to make them last, ii. 56.

Cane, the properties of, ii. 86.

Cannibalism, ii. 443.

Cannibals in the West Indies, ii. 10.

Capital offence to conspire the death of a counsellor of
state, law contrived by the chancellor, ii. 333.

Capital offenders, how the Athenians punished by poi-
son, i. 85.

Captains, promotion of, ii. 383.
Cardamon, or water-cresses, ii. 53.

Cardan, saying of, ii. 488.

Cardinal, meaning of, ii. 423.

Cards and dice, when to be used, ii. 388.

Cares, meditation on the moderation of, i. 68.

Carew, Sir George, i. 283; President of Munster, ii. 211.
Carlisle, state of, ii. 506.

Carneades, Cato's conceit of the eloquence of, i. 164.
Carvajall, Francis, sayings of his, i. 116.
Cartels of the Pope of Rome, ii. 389.
Carthagena, taking of, by Drake, ii. 208.
Case, Low's, of tenures, iii. 276; of revocation of uses.
iii. 280; of impeachment of waste, iii. 268.
Cassander's subtle answer to Alexander, i. 180.
Cassandra, i. 287.

Cassius, a witty answer of his to an astrologer, i. 114.
Cassytas, an herb growing in Syria, ii. 87.
Castlehaven yielded to the Spaniards at the treaty of
Kinsale, ii. 212.

Catalogue of particular histories, iii. 431.
Catesby, his attainder, i. 318.
Caterpillars, experiments touching, ii. 98.

Catharine of Spain married to Prince Arthur, i. 373.
Catholics, ii. 450.

Cato, Major, Livy's description of him, i. 46; saying
of, i. 116.

-Cato's conceit of the eloquence of Carneades, i. 164;
punishment of, for his blasphemy against learning,
i. 166; satire of the Romans, i. 228; his foresight,
i. 287; his saying of sheep, ii. 270.

Cato the elder, his saying of the Romans, i. 109; on
his having no statue, i. 120; saying of, i. 121.

Categories, i. 210.

Cattle, breeding of, profitable, ii. 384.

Cause and effect, iii. 525.

Causes, physical, knowledge of, new, i. 199.
Cantharides flies, experiments on, ii. 98; fly poison,
ii. 318.

Caves, in Solomon's house, i. 266.

Cæsar, (Julius,) i. 401; an instance of military great-
ness and learning, i. 164; wit in his speeches, i. 181;
noble answer to Metellus, i. 181; Apophthegms, loss
of, i. 192; excellence of his learning declared in his
writings, i. 180; an instance of conjunction of mili-
tary excellence and learning, i. 180; ambition, i. 235;
his contempt of Cato, i. 236; saying of, i. 231;
raised no buildings, i. 401; enacted no laws, i. 401;
avoided envy by avoiding pomp, i. 402; well read in
bistory, expert in rhetoric, i. 403; by his address to
hıs mutinous army appeased their sedition, i. 115;

his saying of Sylla, i. 115; his reply when saluted
king, i. 117; his conduct to Metellus the tribune,
i. 120; a remark of his in his book against Cato,
i. 121; did greater things than the wits feigned
King Arthur or Huon, of Bordeaux, to have done,
i. 88; did himself hurt by a speech, i. 24; his friend-
ship for Decimus Brutus, i. 35; his speech to the
pilot in the tempest, i. 46; took Pompey unprovided,
by giving out that his soldiers loved him not, i. 62;
his saying of Pompey, i. 31; of Piso, wrote a col-
lection of apophthegms, now lost, i. 107; know-
ledge of getting water upon the sea-coast, ii. 7; imi-
tation of Sylla, only in reforming the laws, ii. 234;
witty saying of, i. 110; lovers of, i. 300.
Cæsar, Augustus, his dissimulation, i. 235.
Cæsar Borgia's treachery to the lords at Cinigaglia,

and Pope Alexander's remark on it, i. 108.

Cæsars, Lives of, i. 284, 401.

Cecil charges Bacon of ill will to the Earl of Essex,

ii. 336.

Cecil, Sir Edward, his eminent service at the battle of
Newport, ii. 211.

Cecil, Sir Robert, his ability, ii. 264.

Cecile, Duchess of York, i. 355.

Celestial hierarchy, degree of, i. 175.

Celsus's observation on medicines, i. 207; his precept

for health, i. 39; remark on the causes of uses, i. 87.

Cements, experiments touching, ii. 116.

Ceremonial laws respecting meats, i. 202.
Ceremonial magic, i. 206.

Ceremonies and respects, essay on, i. 56.

Certiorari can only be once in the same cause, ii. 484;

causes removed by special, ii. 480.

Chaldean astrology, i. 206.
Chambletting of paper, ii. 100.
Chamœpytis, what good for, ii. 136.
Chamelions, experiment touching, ii. 54.

Chancellor, Sir Francis Bacon, when made, i, 522;
rules for a, ii. 471; his jurisdiction as to writs, ii. 484;
excess of jurisdiction of, ii. 472; contrivance of a
law to protect the, i. 333; lord deputy, i. 424;
Bacon to Marquis of Buckingham, touching Sir H.
Yelverton's sentence, ii. 526.

Chancery, master's reports in, ii. 472; court, defects in
the practice of the, ii. 472; court, regulations for
practice in the, ii. 472; ordinances in, ii. 479; Lord
Bacon's speech on taking his place in, ii. 471; not
restrained by premunire, ii. 490; decrees after judg-
ment, ii. 514.

Change, desire of, and restless nature of things in
themselves, ii. 108.

Chanteries, stat. 1 E. vi. c. 14, ii. 506.

Chaplains of noblemen non-residents, ii. 428.

Character of Julius Cæsar, i. 401; of believing Chris-
tians, ii. 410.

Charcoal, vapour of, ii. 129.

Charges, judicial, ii. 471; judicial, upon the commis-
sion for the verge, ii. 289.

Chariots, invention of, attributed to Ericthonius, i. 301.
Charitable uses, suits for, ii. 485.

Charity, on the exaltation of, i. 68; what is the height
of charity, i. 68.

Charles VIII., i. 326; state of France under, i. 326;
embassy to King Henry, i. 326: invades Brittany,
i. 328; marries the Duchess of Brittany, i. 341;
supports Pekin Warbeck, i. 348; his death, i. 369.
Charles, Prince of Castile, marriage with the Princess
Mary, i. 381.

Charles, an imperial name, ii. 201; considerations
touching a war with Spain, inscribed to Prince
Charles, ii. 201.

Charles IX. of France, edict against duels, ii. 297.
Charles V., melancholy in his latter years, i. 27; his
rigour to Pope Clement, ii. 390; forced from Is-
burgh, ii. 200, 213.

Charles the Hardy, his closeness, i. 35.
Charter-house, advice to the king concerning, ii. 239.
Children, essay of parents and, i. 15.

Chilon's remark of kings, friends, and favourites, i. 114;

of men and gold, i. 120.

China, ordnance used in, 2000 years, i. 61.

Chineses paint their skins, ii. 99; mad for making sil-
ver, ii. 49.

Christian, believing, characters of, ii. 410; paradoxes,
ii. 410; religion, Æneas Sylvius's praise of the
honesty thereof, i. 121; church, the, preserved the
relics of heathen learning, i. 176.

Christianity, injurious effect of Julianus's edict against,
i. 176; consolation of, ii. 435; war to disseminate,
ii. 440; affection of, ii. 413; the lawyers its most
violent opponents, ii. 443.

Chuets, when used, ii. 15.

Church, its government, i. 244; history, prophecy, and
providence, i. 191; music, ii. 426; controversy, five
errors in, ii. 414; controversies, ii. 411; pacification,
considerations on, ii. 420; contempt of, punishable,
ii. 290; reform, ii. 421; fear of the subversion of, a
just ground for war with Spain, ii. 200, 202, 206;
its condition is to be ever under trials, ii. 249; its
two trials, persecution and contention, ii. 249; mis-
sions, ii. 437; meditations on the church and the
Scriptures, i. 71; preserved the books of philosophy
and heathen learning, i. 98.

Chylus, ii. 15.

Chymists, principles where, ii. 460.

-Cicero, i. 209, 229; was resolute, i. 165; error in form-
ing sciences, i. 173; his idea of a perfect orator, i.
237; complaint against Socrates for separating phi-
losophy and rhetoric, i. 201; complaint of the school
of Socrates, i. 85; his evidence against Clodius dis-
believed, and his reply to Clodius, upbraidings on
that account, i. 108; his answer to Decius Brutus,
i. 302; his speech on the law against bribery, i.
118; of Rabirius Posthumous, i. 42; of Hortensius,
i. 48; his fame lasted because joined with vanity in
himself, i. 57; his proof that the academic was the
best sect, i. 73; a saying of his to Cæsar, i. 77;
answer respecting an old lady who affected youth, i.
109; other answers of, i. 111; reason for the power
of the Romans, i. 25; ii. 435; of faction, ii. 476.
Cineas, his questions and advice to Pyrrhus respecting
his intended conquests, i. 118.

Cinnamon and cassia, ii. 83.
Ciphers, i. 213.

Circular motion, eternity cannot be predicated from,
ii. 581, 583.

Circuit judges' stay upon, ii. 379.

Circe and Æsculapius, exposition of credulity by fable
of, i. 203.

Cistertians, order of, ii. 506.

Civet, the strength of its perfume, i. 89.

Civil law not to be neglected, ii. 380; history by Ba-
con, i. 273; discipline, i. 169; history, i. 189, 190;
knowledge, i. 228.

Clarification, experiment touching, ii. 103.
Clarified hippocras, how, ii. 8.

Clarifying water, syrups, &c., ii. 8.

Clay countries, ii. 462.

Cleanliness of Alexander, ii. 8.

Clearchus, his answer to Falinus, i. 108.

Clearing by degrees better than clearing at once, i. 36.
Clemency of Elizabeth, ii. 446.

Clement, Pope, his answer to the cardinal, complaining
of Michael Angelo's painting him as a damned soul,
i. 109.

Clement VII., an example against irresoluteness,
i. 165.

Clergy, improper conduct of, ii. 414; provision of, ii.
429; privileges of, reduced, i. 333; residence by,
ii. 428.

Clerks, convict, to be burned in the hand, i. 333; of
council, choice in, ii. 381.

Clifford, Sir Conyers, disaster of, ii. 351.
Clifford impeaches the lord chamberlain, i. 352.
Clifford, Sir Robert, joins in Perkin Warbeck's conspi-

racy, i. 349; won over to the king, i. 350.
Clinias, in Plato, his opinion of war, ii. 204.
Clodius's acquittal, and Catullus's question to his jury,
i. 108.

Cloth manufactory, laws regarding, i. 376.
Cloves, power of on water, ii. 20.

Clouds mitigate the heat of the sun, i. 100.
Cœlum's exposition of fable, i. 296.
Cœlum, or beginnings, i. 296.
Coffee, effects of, ii. 99.
Cogitation, words the image of, i. 212.
Coin of Pope Julius, ii. 390.
Coins, one of the external points of separation with
Scotland, ii. 144.

Coke, expostulation to Lord Chief Justice, ii. 485; book-
wise, but comparatively ignorant of men, ii. 486;
admission of his great legal knowledge, ii. 486,487;
his faults in pleading shown, ii. 486; his faults ex-
posed, ii. 486; his too much love of money, ii. 486;
advice to as to charity, ii. 486; plainly told how he
got his money, ii. 487; defence of judges, letter to
the king concerning commendams, ii. 495; his sin-
gleness of conduct in the case of commendams, ii.
496; abuse offered to Mr. F. Bacon in the Exche-
quer, ii. 497; reasons for promoting to Lord Chief
Justice of the King's Bench, ii. 497; Reports, cha-
racter of them, ii. 230; obligation of the law to, ii.
230; censure of his Reports, ii. 498; commanded
to forbear sitting at Westminster, ii. 498; seques-
tered from the table of the circuits, ii. 499; Reports,
expurging of, ii. 499; his behaviour in church
affairs, ii. 500; not changed by being made one of
the king's council, ii. 500; his corrections in his
Reports scorn rather than satisfaction to the king,
ii. 500; justification of his Reports, ii. 500; removed
from King's Bench, ii. 500; answers to objections
taken to parts of his Reports, ii. 506; saying of, i.
115; his opinion of Lord Bacon's Instauratio Magna,
ii. 508; a paper on laws designed against, ii. 513;
Sir Francis Bacon confesses he was sometimes too
sharp to Sir Edward, ii. 520; questions demanded
touching the Reports of, by the king's command.
ment, ii. 528; answers to questions put upon his
reported cases, ii. 529, 530; Reports, faults in, the
acts of courts, ii. 499.

Cold, effects of, i. 102, 103; condensation of air, by,
ii. 10; cause of taking, ii. 14; prohibits putrefaction,
ii. 51; on the production of, ii. 18; the sun mag-.
netical of, ii. 19; causes of, ii. 19; mortification by,
ii. 106.

Colleges and schools to be encouraged, ii. 378.
Colic, cure for the, ii. 133.

Coligni, Admiral, his advice to Charles IX. to war

against Flanders, ii. 205.

Colonies, how to be formed, ii. 385; management of,
ii. 385; what first to be done in, ii. 385; how to be
governed, ii. 385; customs and rents to the king
from, ii. 386; how to choose for, ii. 385.

Colonization must be voluntary, ii. 386.
Colours, which show best by candle light, i. 45; of
good and evil, fragment of, i. 72; have little necessi-
tude with the properties of things, i. 89; producing
hair of divers, ii. 282: of feathers, what causes the
different in birds, ii. 7; of good and evil, account of
the publications of, i. 7.

Combat, trial of right by, Spanish custom, ii. 298.

Comets, have power over the mass of things, i. 60;
causes and effects of heat, i. 100.

Commendams, to the king about, ii. 488; evils of,
ii. 429.

Comnenus, Emanuel, poisoning of the air by, ii. 127.
Commentaries and annotations, i. 217.

Commerce, considerations respecting, ii. 148.

Commission, of bankrupt, when granted, ii. 485; for
examination of witnesses, when to be discharged,
ii. 484; a constant one given to honest men subor-
dinate to the council board, suggested, ii. 385; of
suits, advice to the king for reviving, ii. 520.

Commissions, as to suits for, ii. 485; to examine wit-
nesses, ii. 483.

Commissioners, report on, ii. 149.

Common, as to enclosing, ii. 384.

i. 175; and action, union between, ii. 173, 174; of
nature, men have withdrawn from, i. 173.
Contempt, puts an edge upon anger, i. 60.
Contempts, as to taking away possession for, ii. 472;
on force or ill words, ii. 484; imprisonment for, ii.

Contentions, learning, i. 169, 170.
Contraction produces cramp, ii. 133.
Contributions, against, ii. 514.
Controversies, church, ii. 411.

Controversy, mind, state of, ii. 420; church, errors in,
ii. 414.

Conversation, i. 228; ii. 424; short notes for civil, i.
131; its wisdom, i. 228.
Cookery, receipts for, ii. 15.

Copernicus's theory of astronomy, i. 200, 201; ii. 577.
Copies, in chancery, survey of, ii. 474; in chancery,
ii. 483.

Copper and tin, mixture of, ii. 456.
Copyholds, commissions granted for, ii. 275.

Coral, touching the growth of, ii. 105; use of to the
teeth, ii. 101; near the nature of plant and metal,
ii. 81.

Common law, when it controls acts of Parliament, ii. Corn, erection of granaries for foreign, ii. 283.


Common laws, elements of the, iii. 131.

Cordials, as medicines, ii. 468.

Corn, as to diseases of and accidents to, ii. 88.

Cornelius Tacitus, i. 190.

Corns and wens, how to remove, ii. 136.
Corpulency, how to avoid, ii. 11.
Corrupt bodies, effect of medicine on, ii. 543.
Cosmetic, i. 205.

Common prayer, swerving from in divine service, Cornish diamonds the exudations of stone, ii. 7.
punishable, ii. 290.

Commonplace books enumerated, i. 212.

Commons, House of, their power, ii. 380; to repre-
sent, not personate the people, ii. 286; speech on
grievances of, ii. 272.

Commonwealth, nature of, first seen in a family, i.
188; Plato's, ii. 286.
Communication and transmission of discoveries and
inventions, i. 434.

Comparative instances of heat, iii. 379.

Compass, effects produced by the invention of, i. 431.
Compound metals now in use, ii. 459; fruits and
flowers, ii. 66.

Composts, different sorts of, for ground, ii. 79.

Compositio, its difference from mistio, ii. 40; one
of the internal points of separation with Scotland,
ii. 146.

Compression of bodies, ii. 8.
Concoction, experiment touching, ii. 113.
Concord, to discord, ii, 26.

Concords, perfect or semi-perfect, ii. 25.
Concretion of bodies, ii. 115.

Conference makes a ready man, i. 55.

Confession of faith, ii. 407.

Confirmation, ii. 426.

Confusio serii et joci, ii. 413.
Conquest, effects of, ii. 453.

Consalvo, answers of, i. 115, 117.

Consent, touching cures by motion of, ii. 17.
Conservation of bodies, ii. 104.

Considerations on church pacification, ii. 420.
Consolations of Christianity, ii. 435.
Conspirators, Elizabeth's conduct to, ii. 445.

Constantinople, the excellence of its situation, ii. 229.
Constable, Sir John, dedication of essays (edit. 1612)
to, i. 3.

Constables, office of, iii. 315.
Consumption, drink for, ii. 15.

Consumptions, Aristotle's advice in, ii. 16.
Contemplation and action, i. 220; of God's creatures
produceth knowledge, i. 163; and action figured in
Abel and Cain, i. 175; man's exercise in Paradise,

Cosmography, history of, i. 191; exemplified in the
book of Job, i. 175.

Cosmus, Duke of Florence, his saying about perfi-
dious friends, i. 14.

Costs, defendant to pay, upon insufficient answer, ii.
483; in chancery suits, ii. 474.
Cotton, examination of Sir Robert, ii. 515.
Cotton's case, Sir R., letter concerning, to the Lord
Chancellor, from Buckingham, ii. 522, 523.
Cotton's cause, letter to the king touching, ii. 511.
Council, act of, ii. 491; board, a commission subordi-
nate to, ii. 385; privy, how to form, ii. 381; choice
in clerks of, ii. 381; of Ireland, advice to reduce the
number, ii. 191; business, account of, ii. 537, 538.
Counsel, pleading, i. 58; essay of, i. 28; one of the
fruits of friendship, i. 35; its two sorts, i. 35; ho-
nest, rare, but from a perfect friend, i. 3; bounds of,
i. 168; fined for long bills, ii. 482; as to refusing
to be, ii. 509.

Counsels, cabinet, a motto for them, i. 29.

Counsellor of state, capital offence to conspire the
death of, i. 333.

Counsellor, privy, his duty, ii. 381.

Counsellors, privy, bound by oath to secrecyу, її. 381;
their delivery by one of the principal offenders, ii.
359; degenerate arts of some by which they gain
favour; others "negotiis pares," yet unable to am-
plify their own fortunes, i. 36; in plantations,
should be noblemen and gentlemen, not merchants,
i. 41; of state, choice of as to their number, ii. 381;
for what bills punishable, ii. 482; of state, ii. 381.
Countries, Low, ii. 451.

Court, the king's, ii. 387; of the green cloth, ii. 267;
rolls, examination of, ii. 482.

Courtier, the boon obtained of an emperor by a, ii.


Courtiers, H. Noel's opinion of, i. 121.
Courts of justice, their four bad instruments, i. 59;
leet, sheriff's turn, &c., iii. 315; of chancery, de-
lays how to be remedied, ii. 472; of common law,
growth of, ii. 4943; for the borders of Scotland, sug-
gestions for, ii. 143; several, of justice, one of the
internal points of separation with Scotland, ii. 146;
of justice, the ordinary, ii. 380; as to their jurisdic-
tion, ii. 379.

Coventry seasoned by Lord Coke in his ways, ii. 501;
Covering, defects of, i. 234.

Cramp, comes of contraction, ii. 133.
Cranfield's, Sir Lionel, saying, i. 109.
Craniology, i. 202.

Crassus, answers of his, i. 116.

Creatures, perfection of history of, i. 187; living,
comparative magnitude of, ii. 117; bred of putre-
faction, ii. 92.

Credulity and imposition, concurrence between, i. 172;
adamant of lies, ii. 429.
Critical knowledge, i. 217.

Critics, their rash judgment, i. 217; absurd mistakes
of, i. 217.

Cræsus, reason of for preferring peace to war, i. 115;
Solon's answer to him, i. 118.

Crollius, chymical dispensatory of, ii. 136.

at Kinsale, ii. 200, 211; his abuse of the Irish, 11


D'Aubigny, Lord, i. 353.
D'Avila, Gomez, carries letters for Lopez and Ferrera
in their plot against Queen Elizabeth, ii. 219; brings
back answers from Manuel Louis, ii. 219; appre-
hended at landing, ii. 219.

Deafness from sound, persons deaf from sound, ii. 28.
Death, learning mitigates the fear of, i. 182; motion
after the instant of, ii. 59; the essay of, inserted from
the remains of 1645, remarks upon it, i. 10; essay
of, i. 11; essay on, i. 131; history of life and, iii.
467; porches of, iii. 508.

Debate, haste should not be used in matters of weighty,
ii. 381.

Decemvirs, make the twelve tables, ii. 231; grafted

the laws of Greece upon the Roman stock, ii. 234.
Decorations of body, i. 205.

Decree pronounced should be speedily signed, ii. 473;
breach of, ii. 480.

Decrees in chancery after judgment against the, ii. 514;
special order for reading, ii. 483; not enrolled, no
exemplification of, to be allowed, ii. 485; in chancery,
ii. 479; drawn at the rolls, ii. 482.

Cross-row, second letter of the, ii. 460; third letter, Dedications to books, i. 169; objections to Seneca's,
ii. 460; fourth letter, ii. 462.

Crowd is not company, i. 34.

Crown, one of the external points of separation with
Scotland, ii. 144; no crown of Europe has so great
a proportion of demesne and land revenue, ii.


Crown's revenues, ii. 388.

Crudity, experiment touching, ii. 113.

ii. 435.

Deer, the nature of, ii. 102.
Defects, covering, i. 234.

Defence of Cuffe, ii. 365; of Earl of Essex, ii. 360.
Defendant, when to be examined upon interrogatories,
ii. 483.

Deformity, essay on, i. 49; deformed persons bold, in-
dustrious, i. 49.

confounded with, ii. 489.

Delegates, commission of, ii. 485.

Crystal, congealing water into, ii. 54; comes of water, Delays, essay of, i. 29; mature advice should not be
ii. 463.

[blocks in formation]

Cunning, essay of, i. 30.

Cupid and heaven, fable of, i. 435.

Cupid, or an atom, i. 298.

Cure in some ulcers and hurts, ii. 106.

Cures worked by the imagination, ii. 136; by motion
of consent, ii. 17.

Curiosity unprofitable, i. 171.

Custom and education, essay on, i. 45; cure by, ii. 17;

its froward retention as froward as innovation, 1. 32;
only alters nature, i. 45; the principal magistrate of
man's life, i. 45; power of on meats, &c., ii. 46;
cannot confirm what is unreasonable, ii. 295.

Customs, statutes of, 6 R. II., 9 R. II., 13 H. IV., 1
H. V., ii. 280; statutes of, 3 Ed. I., 1. Ed. III., 14
Ed. III., 17 Ed. III., 38 Ed. III., 11 Ed. II., 47 Ed.
III., ii. 279, 280; ancient commencement of, ii.
279; to the king from colonies, ii. 386.
Cuttle ink, experiment touching, ii. 100.
Cyclops, or ministers of terror, i. 288.
Cyrus, from whom he sought supply, ii. 281.

DAMPS in mines, which kill, ii. 127.

Daniel's prophecy of the latter times, i. 191.
Dark, on wood shining in the, ii. 52.

Darcy's case, ii. 528, 529.

Davers, Sir Charles, first confession of, ii. 368; second
confession of, ii. 369.

David sought by Samuel, i. 208; saying of his respect-
ing adversity, ii. 488.
David's military law, i. 185.

Davis, Sir John, confession of, ii. 368; set guard over
chief justice and the lord keeper, ii. 358.

D'Aquilla, D'Avila. the Spanish general, taken prisoner
VOL. III.-70

Delicate learning, and different kinds of, i. 169.

Delivery, style of, i. 214; methodical, i. 214.

Deluges, bury all things in oblivion, i. 60.
Demetrius, answers made to him, i. 116.

Democritus, i. 198; effect of odour upon, ii. 128; opi-
nion of the cause of colours, i. 89; of truth, i. 122;
his doctrine respecting an atom, i. 299; his philo-
sophy, i. 198, 435, 437; his saying of nature, i.
195; primitive remarks on the theory of Democritus
and Leucippus, ii. 578: intermixtum and coacerva-
tum, theories of, ii. 578; whether the interstellar
space, or pure ether, be one entire, unbroken stream,
or consist of a variety of contiguous parts, ii. 578;
his theory of the universe, ii. 576.
Demonax, his answer respecting his burial, i. 109.
Demosthenes, ii. 435; his scorn of wars which are
not preventive, ii. 204; his answer to Æschines,
i. 114; to others, i. 118, 209; said action was the
chief part of an orator, i. 20; his speech in many
orations to the Athenians, i. 76; reprehends the
people for hearkening to King Philip's condition,
i. 77; answers of his, i. 116; answer to Æschines
as to times of leisure, i. 166; a water-drinker, i.
228; his sayings, i. 235.

Demurrers for discharging the suit, ii, 482; not to be
overruled on petition, ii. 483; defined, ii. 482. re-
ference upon, ii. 482.

Dendamis, the Indian, i. 239.

Denham, Sir John, ii. 477; speech to, in the exchequer

ii. 477.

Denizens, privileges and disabilities of, ii. 169.
Denmark, state of, during the time of Queen Elizabeth,
ii. 248; king of, incorporated to the blood of Eng
land, and engaged in the quarrel of the Palatinate,
ii. 213.

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