Imágenes de páginas

Of the Communication of the Air percussed and elided with the ambient Air, and Bodies, or their Spirits.

In the striking of a bell, the sound given by chiming upon the bell with a hammer on the outside, and by the tongue within, is of the same tone. So that the sound yielded by the chiming upon the outside, cannot be generated by the collision of the air between the hammer and the outside of the bell, since it is according to the concave of the bell within. And if it were a flat plate of brass, and not concave, the sound should, I think, be different.

If there be a rift in the bell, it gives a hoarse sound, not pleasant or grateful.

It would be known how the thickness of the percussed body may affect the sound, and how far forth: as if, of the same concave, one bell should be thicker, another thinner. I have proved in a bell of gold, that it gave an excellent sound, nothing worse, yea, better, than a bell of silver or of brass. But money of gold rings not so well as money of silver.

Empty casks yield a deep and resounding sound, full ones a dull and dead sound. But in the viol, and the lute, and other such, although the first percussion be between the string and the exterior air, yet that air straight communicates with the air in the belly, or concave of the viol or lute. Wherefore, in instruments of this kind is ever some perforation made, that the outward air may communicate with the confined air, without which, the sound would be dull and dead.

Let there be a trial made of the nightingalepipe, that it be filled with oil, and not with water; and let it be noted, how much softer or more obtuse the sound shall be.

When sound is created between the breath and the percussed air, as in a pipe, or flute, it is yet

so produced, as it hath some communication with the body of the flute, or pipe. For there is one sound produced in a trumpet of wood, another in one of brass; another, I judge, if the trumpet were lined within, or perhaps even covered, on the outside, with silk or cloth: one perchance if the trumpet were wet, another if dry. I conceive, likewise, in virginals, or the viol, if the board upon which the strings are strained were of brass, or of silver, it should yield a somewhat different sound. But of all these things let there be better inquiry.

Further, in respect of the communication, it would be inquired, what the diversity and inequality of bodies may do; as if three bells should be made to hang, the one within the other, with some space of air interposed, and the outer bell were chimed upon with a hammer, what sound it should give, in respect of a single bell.

Let a bell be covered on the outside with cloth or silk, and let it be noted, when the bell is struck by the tongue within, what that covering shall do to the sound.

If there were in a viol a plate of brass, or of silver, pierced with holes, in place of that of wood, it would be seen what this shall do to the sound.

There are used in Denmark, and are even brought hither, drums of brass, not of wood, less than those of wood, and they give, I think, a louder sound.

The agitation of the air by great winds shall not, I think, yield much sound, if woods, waves, buildings, or the like be away; yet is it received that, before tempests, there be some murmurings made in woods, albeit to the sense the blast be not yet perceived, nor do the leaves stir.*

* Three chapters are deficient, which there wanted leisure to completing.


ABDUCTION of women made a capital offence, i. 333.
Abel and Cain, contemplation of action figured in,
i. 175.

Abimelech, ii. 270.

Abjuration and exiles, cases of and proceedings therein,
ii. 165.

Abner, murder of by Jacob, not forgotten, ii. 322.
Absolution, ii. 426.

Abridgments of laws, opinion on the use of them,
ii. 233.

Abuse of excommunication, ii. 428.

Abuses in the penal laws, ii. 237.

Acceleration and clarification of liquors, ii. 47.
Accessaries to duels before the fact, ii. 299.

Accident assistance to eloquence, ii. 337.

Account, matters of, ii. 482.

Achaians, comparison of the state of to a tortoise, by
Titus Quintius, ii. 224.

Achelous, or battle, i. 302.

Actæon and Pentheus, or a curious man, i. 294.
Action, the chief part of an orator, i. 23.

Action and contemplation, union between, i. 173, 174 ;
figured in Abel and Cain, i. 175; and contempla-
tion, i. 220.

Actions, all men drawn into by pleasure, hor.our, and
profit, ii. 185.

Active, force of quantity in the, ii. 460.

Advice upon importing foreign goods, ii. 386; to
ministers, ii. 376; concerning Indian wealth, ii. 387
Adulteration of metals, ii. 459.
Advocates, i. 58.

Æneas Sylvius, his saying of the Christian religion,
i. 121.

Æsculapius and Circe, exposition of, credulity by fable
of, i. 203.

Esop's fable of the two sons digging for gold, i. 172.
Affections, effect upon the minds and spirits of men,
ii. 129; their impediments to knowledge. i. 94 :
inquiry touching, i. 225.

Affectation. No affectation in passion, i. 45; to use
studies too much for ornament is affectation, i. 55.
Affidavits before masters of chancery, ii. 483.
Affluence. Greatness too often ascribed to affluence
of commodities, ii. 222.

Agathocles, conduct to the captive Syracusans, i. 114.
Age and youth prejudiced, vii. 41.

Age will not be defied, i. 39; essay on youth and, i.
48; heat in age excellent for business, i. 48; Alon-
zo of Arragon's commendation of age, i. 113.
Agesilaus, excellent though deformed, i. 49; saying of
his, i. 115; called home from Persia upon a war
against Sparta by Athens and Thebes, ii. 223; his
saying thereon, ii. 223.

Agricultural experiments, ii. 464.

Actium, battle of, decided the empire of the world, Agrippina, preference of empire, i. 183.
i. 38.

Actor, Vibulenus, his artifice, i. 218.

Adam's employment in Paradise, i. 175.

Adam, fall of, set forth by the fable of Pan, i. 290.

Adamites, heresy of, ii. 443.

Adjournment should be to a day certain, ii. 495.
Admiralty, against the, ii. 495.

Admiralties and merchandising several, one of the

internal points of separation with Scotland, ii. 160.
Admonished how to dispose of part of his riches, ii.
487; to imitate the Spaniards, the beaver, &c., ii.

[blocks in formation]

Agues, what wines best for, ii. 10; use of hartshorn
in, ii. 91.

Air, transmutation of into water, ii. 10, 19; diversity
of infusions in, ii. 9; in water, cause of quick as-
cent of, ii. 10; condensation of by cold, ii. 11,
aptness to corrupt, ii. 109; commixture of with
flame, ii. 11; effect of the inspissation of the, ii.
127; touching the nature of, ii. 119; flying of
unequal bodies in the, ii. 107; experiment touching
the congealing of, ii. 54; the theory of Anaximenes,
i. 439.

Air and water, experiments as to weight in, ii. 463.
Air and sound, ii. 28.

Airs, experiment touching, ii. 249.
Albans, to the Lord St., from Buckingham, promising
to move his majesty to take off the restraint upon
his not coming within the verge of the court, iii.

Albans, the Lord St., to a friend, believing his own
danger less than he found it, iii. 190.

Albans, the Lord St., to the same humble servant, em
ploying him to do a good office with a great man,
iii. 190.

Albans, from Lord St., praying that the king will let
him die out of a cloud and suffer his honours to be
transmitted, iii. 188.

Albans, from Lord St., to the king, thanking him for
his liberty, iii. 184.

[blocks in formation]

Albans, from Lord St., to the king, praying for a con-
tinuance of the king's kindness, iii. 84.

Albans, Lord St., to a most dear friend, in whom he
notes an entireness and impatient attention to do
him service, iii. 19.

Albans, Lord St., to the Lord Treasurer Marlborough,
expostulating about his unkindness and injustice,
iii. 191.

Albans, to the Lord St., from Buckingham, promising

to supply his decayed cables, iii. 187.

Albans, to the Lord St., from Buckingham, touching
his book, iii. 187.

Albans, to the Lord St., from Buckingham, thanking
him for a parabien, iii. 188.

Albans, to the Lord St., from Buckingham, touching
his application to the king, iii. 188.

Albans, to the Lord St., from the Bishop of Lincoln,
upon the orations of Cicero, Demosthenes, and the
works of his lordship, iii. 188.

Albans, to the Lord St., from the Marquis of Bucking-
ham, expressing the king's willingness to see his
book, but refusing to let him remain in London, iii.

Albans, to the Lord St., from Buckingham, iii. 185.
Albans, to the Lord St., from Buckingham, concerning
York House, iii. 185.

Albert Durer, his mode of painting, i. 49.
Alchymists follow wrong principles to make gold, ii.

49; their philosophy, or the Grecians', all now re-
ceived, i. 79; means used by, more monstrous than
the end, i. 1993; errors of in forming science, i.

Alchymy, white and red, ii. 459; advantages of to
science, i. 172.

Alcibiades, of high spirit, yet beautiful, i. 49; advice
to Pericles, studying how to give in his accounts,
i. 109.

Alcohol, a powder made of, ii. 99.

Alexander, body of, found, ii. 104; Livy's saying of

Alphonso the Wise compiled the digest of the laws
of Spain, ii. 235.

Alteration of religion by Elizabeth, ii. 445.
Alterations which may be called majors, ii. 114.
Altham, Baron, reverend judge, ii. 477.

Alva, Duke of, general arrest made by him of Eng-
lishmen, ii. 260; a chief instrument in the rebellion
in the north of England, ii. 260.
Amalgamatizing metals, ii. 461, 462.
Amazons, ii. 442.

Ambassadors, how to choose, ii. 382.
Amber, flies get a durable sepulchre in, ii. 24.
Ambition, essay on, i. 44; of man, God's first judg-
ment on the, i. 175.

Amiens, Spaniards beaten out of, ii. 200, 213.
Anabaptists, ii. 442; revived the opinion of Henkus,
i. 220; religion of, ii. 314.
Anacharsis, saying of his, i. 120.
Analysis. See Notes by the Editor, i. 244-254.
Anatomy, much deficient, i. 204.

Anaxagoras, his precept concerning truth, i. 82; his
remark upon the Athenians who had condemned
him to death, i. 116.

Ancient history only fragments, i. 189.
Ancient philosophers, their theories concerning primi-
tive matter, i. 437.

Ancients, inventors consecrated by the, i. 207; ho-
nours of the, to eminent men, i. 177; consecrated
inventors of arts amongst the gods, i. 177; hoped
to prolong life by medicine, i. 307; wisdom of the,
i. 287-313; took up experiments on credit, ii. 13.
Andrada, Manuel, a Portuguese, revolted from Don
Antonio to the King of Spain, ii. 217; advertises
Mendoza that he had won Dr. Lopez to the King of
Spain's service, ii. 218; Lopez's secret conference
with him, ii. 218; got out of prison by Lopez, ii.
218; brings Lopez a jewel from the King of Spain,
ii. 218; moves Lopez to poison Queen Elizabeth,
ii. 218; goes to Calais and writes to the Count de

Fuentes, ii. 218.

him, i. 84; his conquest of Persia, ii. 223; Livy's
judgment of him, ii. 223; his opinion of the cause
of Calisthenes' eloquence in his speeches on the
Macedonians, ii. 229, 235; melancholy in his lat-
ter years, i. 27; his conduct at Arbela, i. 36; not
just to deny credit to his acts, i. 99; his saying of
Craterus and Hephæstion, i. 113; saying of Anti-
pater, i. 113; his answer to Parmenio, i. 114, 117;
cleanliness of, ii. 8; an instance of excellence in
arms and learning, i. 164; his admiration of Ho-
mer, i. 179; education of, i. 179; preferred learning
to empire, i. 179; his observation relating to Dió-
genes, i. 179; his wit in speeches, i. 179; Cassan-
der's subtle answer to, i. 179; his distinction be-
tween love of him and love of the king, i. 180;
answer to Parmenio's counsel, i. 180; an instance
of the conjunction between learning and military | Ante-nati and post-nati of Scotland, ii. 144, 154, 159,
power, i. 179.

Andrews, Bishop, ii. 435.
Angels, worship of, i. 195.
Anger, essay on, i. 59; causes of, i. 59; makes dull
men witty, but keeps them poor, i. 124; effects of,
ii. 96.

Animate bodies and plants, difference between, ii. 81.
Annals and journals, their use, i. 191.
Annihilation, impossibility of, ii. 24.
Anointing, experiment touching, ii. 99.
Answers, if insufficient, defendant to pay costs, ii. 483;
to bills in chancery, ii. 483.

Alien enemy, law respecting, ii. 169.

Alien friend, may have movable goods and personal
actions, but not freehold, or leasehold, or actions
real or mixed, ii. 169.

Alienations, office of compositions for, iii. 319.
Aliment of man, i. 202.

Aliments, change of, ii. 18.

Allegiance, cannot be applied to the law or kingdom,
but to the person of the king, ii. 176; must be un-
conditionai, ii. 391.

Alliance with Holland, ii. 383.

Almonds, oil of, mixed with spirits of wine, ii. 465.
Alonzo of Arragon, saying about books, i. 113.
Alphabet of Nature, rule and form of, iii. 531.

Ant, its character, i. 208.
Antalcidas, his answer to an Athenian, i. 116,
Antarctic hemisphere, dusky spots in, what are causes
of, ii. 585.


Anticipations of the second philosophy, iii. 521.
Antigonus, answer and saying of, i. 114, 117.
Anti-masques, their composition, i. 45.

Antimony, as to dissolving, ii. 460.

Antinomiæ, contrary cases to be noted in reducing the

common law, ii. 232.

Antiochia, wholesome air of, ii. 128.

Antiochus, his incitement to Prusias to war against
the Romans, ii. 204.

Antipathy and sympathy of men's spirits, ii. 137; se-
cret virtue of, ii. 132, 137; of things, iii. 465.
Antiquity, overweening affection for, i. 172; like
Fame, head muffled, i. 189; law of, ii. 421; the
uttermost is like fame, that muffles her head and
tells tales, i. 84; admiration of an impediment to
knowledge, i. 94; knowledge not to be sought in
the obscurity of, but in the light of nature, ii. 547.
Antipater, of all Alexander's lieutenants, wore no pur-
ple, i. 113; his sayings of Demades, i. 114;
Antisthenes' opinion what was most necessary, i. 120.
Antitheta, examples of, i. 217.
Antoninus Pius, a learned prince, i. 178.



Antonio, King, mortal enemy to the King of Spain,

ii. 217; his retinue, therefore, free from all suspicion
of conspiracy against Queen Elizabeth, ii. 217; yet
suspected by some of her majesty's counsel, ii. 217.
Antonio, Don, enterprise to settle him in the kingdom
of Portugal failed, ii. 210.

Antonius, Marcus, transported by love, i. 18.

Antonius' mind weakened by the Egyptian soothsayer,
ii. 129.

Ants, instinct of, ii. 93.

Armada, ill success of the Spanish, ii. 200; account
of it, ii. 208.

Arms, the importance of to nations, i. 38; flourish
in the youth of a state, i. 62; and learning, com-
parison of in advancing men, i. 183.

Arragon, united with Castile, but not naturalized, ii.
155; its rebellion suppressed, and subsequent incor-
poration with Castile, ii. 155.

Arthur, King, i. 199.
Art, duty of to exalt nature, i. 208; of memory, visible
images in the, ii. 131; the time extent of, ii. 572.
Articulation of sounds, ii. 35.
Arts, military, flourish most while virtue grows, i. 205;
liberal, flourish when virtue is in state, i. 205; volup-
tuary, flourish when virtue declines, i. 205; history
of, deficient, i. 188.

Arts and methods, error of over-early reduction of
science into, i. 173.

Antwerp, English merchants spoiled and put to their Arts, intellectual, are four, Invention, Judgment, Me-
ransom at the sack of, ii. 260.

Anytus' accusation against Socrates, i. 164.

Apelles, his mode of painting, i. 49.

Ape's heart, what good for, ii. 134.

Aphorisms, iii. 427; the way of delivering ancient
wisdom, iii. 222; the pith of sciences, i. 214; know-
ledge when in, is in growth, i. 173.

Apollonius's judgment of Nero, ii. 277; reason for
Nero's overthrow, delight in solitude, i. 34.

Apollonius of Tyana, ii. 124.

mory, Tradition, i. 207.

Arts and sciences, invention deficient, i. 207; their
flourishing condition under the reign of King James,
ii. 285.

[blocks in formation]

Apophthegms, i. 107; account of, i. 9; loss of Cæsar's, Astringents, a catalogue of different sorts, hot and cold,

i. 192.

Apothecaries, how they clarify syrups, ii. 8.

Apology for the Earl of Essex, ii. 333.

Apparel, vanity in should be avoided, ii. 386.

Appendices to knowledge of the soul, i. 206; division
of, divination, fascination, i. 206; of history, i.


Appetite, or will of man, i. 218.

Appius Claudius transported by love, i. 18.

Arbela, the number of the Persians at, i. 36.

Archidamus's answer to Philip of Macedon, i. 118.

Arch-traitor Tyrone, the, ii. 349.

ii. 467; purgative, ii. 468.

Astrologers, means used by, more monstrous than the

end, i. 199.

Astrologers' judgment that the King of France should
be killed in a duel, i. 43.

Astrology, Chaldean, i. 206.

Astronomer, predictions of, i. 206.

Astronomical observations, admonition respecting, 1.
421; ii. 580.

Astronomy, theory of, i. 200; exemplified in the Book
of Job, i. 175.

Atalanta and the golden ball, i. 174.

Archetype, the dignity of knowledge is to be sought in Atalanta, or gain, i. 304.

the, i. 174.

Ardes, Spaniards beaten out of, ii. 200, 213,
Arguments in law, iii. 267.

Aristippus, answers of his, i. 113, 117, 118, 121;
answer as to the morigeration of learned men, i.

Aristotle, ii. 198, 210, 212, 219, 221, 224, 226, 227;
school of, i. 90; put all his opinions upon his own
authority, i. 99; full of ostentation, i. 57; goeth for
the best author, i. 72; character of, i. 72; admired
the invariableness of the heavens, i. 79; saith our
ancestors were gross, i. 84; said that we are be-
holden to him for many of our articles of faith,
i. 123; remarks concerning the prolongation of life,
ii. 16; opinion of the colours of feathers, ii. 7; advice
in consumptions, ii. 16; framed new words in con-
tradiction to ancient wisdom, i. 196; mentions the
ancients only to confute them, i. 196; took the
right course for glory in reproving the more ancient
philosophers, i. 1963; inquiry in physiognomy, i.
201; error in mixing philosophy with logic, i. 173;
his sparing use of feigned matter in history, i. 172;
observation on the power of the mind and reason,
i. 206; emulation of, i. 216; followed the example
of Alexander in conquering all opinions as the other
all nations, i. 196; remarks on his system of natural
philosophy, i. 427; his custom to prefer the obscure,
ii. 581.

Atheism, learned men and times incline to, i. 163;
superficial knowledge of philosophy may incline the
mind to, i. 164; learned times have inclined to, i. 162;
caused by ignorant preachers, ii. 427; meditations
upon, i. 6, 70; their disposition light, i. 71; Essay
of, i. 24; never perturbs states, i. 25.

Athens, poisoned capital offenders, ii. 85; their Sex-
viri standing commissioners to watch the laws, ii.
231, 235.

Athletic, i. 205; philosophy relating to not inquired
i. 205.

Atlantis, New, i. 255.

Atlas, i. 210.
Atmosphere, artificial, in New Atlantis, i. 267.
Atoms, equality or inequality of, i. 407.
Attachment for not answering, ii. 481.
Attemus, the start of in Epicurus, a frivolous shift,

i. 71.

Attorney and solicitor-general should not be ignorant
in things though unconnected with their profession,
ii. 379.

Attorney-general's place and commission, ii. 489.
Attorney-general, abuse of to Mr. Bacon, ii. 497.
Attraction, by similitude of substance, ii. 94; experi-
ment touching, ii. 121; experimental remarks on,
ii. 466; by similitude of substance, ii. 121.
Attractive bodies, if in small quantities, ii 466; ob
servations on, ii. 466.


Audibles and visibles, consent and dissent between,

ii. 41; iii. 537, 539, 541, 542, 543.

Augustin, St. his comparison of nettles, ii. 476; com-
parison used by, ii. 267.
Augustins, order of, ii. 406.

Augustus Cæsar, his saying of his two daughters and
grandson, i. 121; his death, i. 12; policy attributed
to him by Livia, i. 14; his friendship to Agrippa,
i. 35; of a reposed nature, i. 48; of high spirit, yet
beautiful, i. 49; sayings and letters of his, i. 113;
character of, i. 401; in his youth affecting power.
i. 401; in his middle age affecting dignity, i. 401,
in age, ease and pleasure, i. 401; in his decline bent
to memory and posterity, i. 401; treads the steps
of Cæsar, but with deeper print, ii. 357; his peace-
able government as highly esteemed as the victories
of Julius Cæsar, ii. 246.

Auripigment and copper make red alchymy, ii. 459.
Austria, Don John of, lost his reputation at Rimenant,
ii. 207.

Authority of two kinds, ii. 130.

Authors should be consuls and not dictators, i. 172.
Avellaneda, the Spanish admiral, sets upon the Enlish
fleet, after the enterprise of Panama, ii. 212; comes
off with loss, ii. 212; his boasting, ii. 212.

Aviaries, i. 53.

Banishment, ii. 435.

Bankrupt, commission of, when granted, ii. 485.
Baptism, ii. 426.

Barbary, practice of getting fresh water in, ii. 7.
Bark, as to the removal of from trees, ii. 86.

Barkley, Sir Richard, Earl of Essex's keeper, ii. 354.
Barley, experiments touching, ii. 85.
Baronius, Cardinal, annals of, ii. 512.
Barrels, sounds produced on full or empty, ii. 34.
Barrow, a Brownist, his conduct, ii. 249.
Barton, Eliz., named the maid of Kent, her treason

against Henry VIII., ii. 391.
Base counsellors, represented by Tellus, i. 288.
Basilisk killeth by aspect, ii. 127.
Bass and treble strings, sounds of, ii. 33, 34.
Bates, his plea on imports and exports, ii. 278.
Bath, or fomentation, ii. 469; mineral, i. 205.
Bathing, experiment touching, ii. 99; benefits and

effects of, ii. 98; among the Romans, ii. 99.

Beads, different sorts of, ii. 132.

Bears grow fat by sleep, ii. 16.
Beauty, i. 205; helps towards, ii. 11; of Elizabeth, ii.

449; Essay on, i. 48.

Beaver, admonition to imitate the, ii. 487.

Beerehaven yielded by the Spaniards at the treaty of
Kinsale, ii. 212.

Axe, in case of felony, whether to be carried before the Bees, instinct of, ii. 93; humming of, what, ii. 33;
prisoner, ii. 516.

BABYLON, the excellence of its situation, ii. 228; the
city of estate in Persia, ii. 228; Alexander the
Great chose it for his seat, ii. 228; afterwards Se-
leucus and his descendants, ii. 228; its greatness in
the times of the kings of Parthia, ii. 229; of the
successors of Mahomet, ii. 229; and at this day,
Bagdad's greatness, ii. 229.

Bacon, Anthony, epistle dedicatorie of the first edition
of the Essays to him, i. 2.

Bacon, his value for the corrections of unlearned men,
i. 277; love of familiar illustration, i. 279; died 9th
April, 1626, i. cxii; speech in the House of Com-
mons touching the general naturalization of the
Scottish nation, ii. 150%; the union of laws with
Scotland, ii. 158; his argument in Caloin's case,
the post-nati of Scotland, ii. 166; account of his
works, ii. 436; opinion of the Novum Organum,
ii. 436; to the judges, ii. 515; observations on the
advancement of learning, ii. 436; most inclined by
nature to the study of arts and sciences, ii. 474;
his sayings, i. 111, 121, 1243; thought it wisest to
keep way with antiquity, usque ad aras, i. 196;
letter to the king noting his History of Henry VII.,
i. 275; life in Biographia Britannia, i. 272; notice
of his Essays by Rawley, i. 275; his reasons for
devoting himself to philosophy, ii. 549; iii. 534.

Bacon, Sir Nicholas, answer to Queen Elizabeth re-
specting the monopoly licenses, i. 107; the littleness
of his house, i. 115; abused in a libel in 1592, ii.
263; his character, ii. 263.

Bacon, Friar, his head, ii. 338; tradition about, ii. 103.
Bagg's case, Sir E. Coke's answer to the objections in,
ii. 507.

Bagges's case, ii. 528.

Balaam's Ass, author discovered, ii. 510.

Balance of Europe kept by Henry VIII., Francis I., and
Charles V., ii. 204.

Ballard, his confession showed that all priests were
acquainted with the intended invasion of England,
ii. 255.

Baltimore, in Ireland, yielded by the Spaniards by the
treaty of Kinsale, ii. 212.

longevity of, ii. 93.
Behaviour, i. 56.

Belief, of Bacon, ii. 407; what worketh, ii. 129; and
worship, wants of, ii. 412.

Believing Christian, character of, ii. 410.
Bell metal, ii. 456, 459.
Bells, motion of pressure upon, ii. 8; chiming of,
ii. 32.

Beneficence of Elizabeth, ii. 446.
Benefices, value of, how regulated, ii. 514.
Bettenham, Mr., opinion of riches, i. 121.
Bertram, a murderer and suicide, ii. 501.
Bias, his advice to dissolute mariners praying in a
tempest, i. 109; a precept of his, i. 117; his pre-
cept, i. 237.

Bill of review, ii. 479.
Bills, if too long, counsel to be fined for passing, ii.
482; for what counsel punishable, ii. 482.

Biography, i. 282
Bion, saying of his, i. 109, 120.
Birch's translation of Bacon's praise of Prince Henry,

i. 404.

Bird-witted children ought to be taught mathematics,
i. 218.

Birds, time of growth of, ii. 102; quickness of motion
in, ii. 90; imitate sounds, ii. 39; the nature of,
ii. 102; of paradise, feetless, ii. 269.

Birth, acceleration of, ii. 53.

Bishop by deputy, ii. 424.
Bishop of Winchester, letter to, i. 276.
Bishop Andrews, ii. 435.

Bishops, government of, ii. 423; err in resisting re-
form, ii. 417; virtues of, ii. 415; translation of, ii.
492; government, sole error of, ii. 423.

Blackwater, defeat of the English by the Irish rebels
at, ii. 211.

Bladder and water, weight of, ii. 464.

Blood, stanching of, ii. 18; insects without, ii. 93;

saltness of, ii. 85; commixture of, ii. 465.
Blows and bruises, experiments on, ii. 119
Blunt, Sir C. instigator of treasons, ii. 352; wounded
in an encounter between Sir. J. Luson and the Earl
of Essex, ii. 359; confession of, ii. 364; first con-
fession of, ii. 369; confession of, ii. 372; speech of,

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