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blow in fair and clear days, and also in countries where it never rains, which are engendered where they blow, and never were clouds, nor did ever ascend in the middle region of the air.

Indirect experiments.

Whosoever shall know how easily a vapour is dissolved into air, and how great a quantity of vapours there are, and how much room a drop of water turned into air takes up more than it did before, (as we said already,) and how little the air will endure to be thrust up together, will, questionless, affirm, that of necessity winds must be everywhere engendered, from the very superficies of the earth, even to the highest parts of the air. For it cannot be, that a great abundance of vapours, when they begin to be dilatated and expanded, can be lifted up to the middle region of the air, without an overburdening of the air, and making a noise by the way.

Accidental Generations of Winds.

To the ninth article. Connexion.

We call those accidental generations of winds which do not make or beget the impulsive motion of winds, but with compression do sharpen it, by repercussion turn it, by sinuation or winding do agitate and tumble it, which is done by extrinsical causes, and the posture of the adjoining bodies.

1. In places where there are hills which are not very high, bordering upon valleys, and beyond them again higher hills, there is a greater agitation of the air, and sense of winds, than there is in mountainous or plain places.

2. In cities, if there be any place somewhat broader than ordinary and narrow goings out, as portals or porches, and cross streets, winds and fresh gales are there to be perceived.

3. In houses cool rooms are made by winds, or happen to be so where the air bloweth through, and comes in on the one side and goeth out at the other. But much more if the air comes in several ways and meets in the corners, and hath one common passage from thence: the vaulting like. wise and roundness doth contribute much to coolness, because the air, being moved, is beaten back in every line. Also, the winding of porches is better than if they were built straight out. For a direct blast, though it be not shut up, but hath a free egress, doth not make the air so unequal and voluminous, and waving, as the meeting at angles and hollow places, and windings round, and the like.

4. After great tempests at sea an accidental wind continues for a time, after the original is laid, which wind is made by the collision and percussion of the air, through the curling of the


5. In gardens commonly there is a repercussion VOL. III.-57

of wind, from the walls and banks, so that one would imagine the wind to come the contrary way from that whence it really comes.

6. If hills enclose a country on the one side, and the wind blows for some space of time from the plain against the hill, by the very repercussion of the hill, either the wind is turned into rain, if it be a moist wind, or into a contrary wind, which will last but a little while.

7. In the turnings of a promontory, mariners do often find changes and alterations of winds.

Extraordinary Winds and sudden Blasts.

To the tenth article. Connexion.

Some men discourse of extraordinary winds, and derive the causes of them; of clouds breaking, or storms, vortice, typhone, prestere; or, in English, whirlwinds. But they do not relate the thing itself, which must be taken out of chroni

cles and several histories.

1. Sudden blasts never come in clear weather, but always when the sky is cloudy and the weather rainy. That it may justly be thought that there is a certain eruption made; the blasts driven out and the waters shaken.

2. Storms which come with a mist and a fog, and are called Belluæ, and bear up themselves like a column, are very vehement and dreadful to those who are at sea.

3. The greater typhones, who will take up at some large distance, and sup them, as it were, upward, do happen but seldom, but small whirlwinds come often.

4. All storms and typhones, and great whirlwinds, have a manifest precipitous motion or darting downwards, more than other winds, se as they seem to fall like torrents, and run, as it were, in channels, and be afterwards reverberated by the earth.

5. In meadows, haycocks are sometimes carried on high and spread abroad there like canopies; likewise in fields, cocks of pease, reaped wheat, and clothes laid out to drying, are carried up by whirlwinds as high as tops of trees and houses, and these things are done without any extraordinary force or great vehemency of wind.

6. Also, sometimes there are very small whirlwinds, and within a narrow compass, which happen also in fair, clear weather; so that one that rides may see the dust or straws taken up and turned close by him, yet he himself not feel the wind much, which things are done questionless near unto us, by contrary blasts driving one another back, and causing a circulation of the air by concussion.

7. It is certain, that some winds do leave manifest signs of burning and scorching in plants; but presterem, which is a kind of dark lightning, and hot air without any flame, we will put off to the inquisition of lightning.


Helps to Winds; namely, to Original Winds; for 5. It hath been observed by men, that about the of accidental ones we have inquired before.

To the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth articles. Connexion.

Those things which have been spoken by the ancients, concerning winds and their causes, are merely confused and uncertain, and for the most part untrue; and it is no marvel, if they see not clear that look not near. They speak as if wind were somewhat else, or a thing several from moved air; and as if exhalations did generate and make up the whole body of the winds; and as if the matter of winds were only a dry and hot exhalation; and as if the beginning of the motion of winds were but only a casting down and percussion by the cold of the middle region, all fantastical and arbitrary opinions; yet out of such threads they weave long pieces, namely, cobwebs. But all impulsion of the air is wind; and exhalations mixed with the air contribute more to the motion than to the matter; and moist vapours, by a proportionate heat, are easier dissolved into wind than dry exhalations, and many winds are engendered in the lowest region of the air, and breathe out of the earth, besides those which are thrown down and beaten back.

1. The natural wheeling of the air, (as we said in the article of general winds,) without any other external cause, bringing forth winds perceptible within the tropics, where the conversion is in greater circles.

2. Next to the natural motion of the air, before we inquire of the sun, (who is the chief begetter of winds,) let us see whether any thing ought to be attributed to the moon, and other asters, by clear experience.

3. There arise many great and strong winds some hours before the eclipse of the moon, so that, if the moon be eclipsed in the middle of the night, the winds blow the precedent evening; if the moon be eclipsed towards the morning,

conjunctions of planets greater winds do blow.

6. At the rising of Orion there rise commonly divers winds and storms. But we must advise whether this be not because Orion rises in such a season of the year as is most effectual for the generation of winds; so that it is rather a concomitant than causing thing. Which may also very well be questioned concerning rain at the rising of the Hyades and the Pleiades, and concerning storms at the rising of Arcturus. And so much concerning the moon and stars.

7. The sun is, questionless, the primary efficient of many winds, working by its heat on a twofold matter, namely, the body of the air, and likewise vapours and exhalations.

8. When the sun is most powerful, it dilatates and extends the air, though it be pure and without any commixion, one-third part, which is no small matter; so that, by mere dilatation, there must needs arise some small wind in the sun's ways; and that rather two or three hours after its rising, than at his first rise.

9. In Europe the nights are hotter, in Peru, three hours in the morning, and all for one cause, namely, by reason of winds and gales ceasing and lying still at those hours.

10. In a vitro calendari, dilatated or extended air beats down the water, as it were, with a breath; but, in a vitro pileato, which is filled only with air, the dilatated air swells the bladder, as a manifest and apparent wind.

11. We have made trial of such a kind of wind in a round tower, every way closed up. For we have placed a hearth or fireplace in the midst of it, laying a fire of charcoal thoroughly kindled upon it, that there might be the less smoke, and on the side of the hearth, at a small distance, hath been a thread hung up with a cross of feathers, to the end that it might easily be moved. So, after a little stay, the heat increasing, and the air dilatating, the thread, and the feather

then the winds blow in the middle of the prece-cross which hung upon it, waved up and down dent night.

4. In Peru, which is a very windy country, Acosta observes, that winds blow most when the moon is at the full.

Injunction. It were certainly a thing worthy to be observed, what power the ages and motions of the moon have upon the winds, seeing they have some power over the waters. As, for example, whether the winds be not in a greater commotion in full and new moons, than in her first and last quarters, as we find it to be in the flowings of waters. For, though some do conveniently feign the command of the moon to be over the waters, as the sun and planets over the air, yet it is certain, that the water and the air are very homogeneal bodies, and that the moon, next to the sun, hath most power over all things here below.

in a various motion; and, having made a hole in the window of the tower, there came out a hot breath, which was not continual, but with intermission and waving.

12. Also, the reception of air by cold, after dilatation, begets such a wind, but weaker, by reason of the lesser force of cold. So that, in Peru, under every little shadow, we find not only more coolness than here with us, (by antiperistasis,) but a manifest kind of gale through the reception of air when it comes into the shade. And so much concerning wind occasioned by mere dilatation or reception of air.

13. Winds proceeding from the mere motion of the air, without any commixion of vapours, are but gentle and soft. Let us see what may be said concerning vapoury winds, (we mean such as are engendered by vapours,) which may

be so much more vehement than the other, as a dilatation of a drop of water turned into air exceeds any dilatation of air already made: which it doth by many degrees, as we showed before.

14. The efficient cause of vapoury winds (which are they that commonly blow) is the sun, and its proportionate heat; the matter is vapours and exhalations which are turned and resolved into air. I say air, (and not any thing but air,) yet at the first not very pure.

15. A small heat of the sun doth not raise vapours, and consequently causes no wind.

16. A mean and middle heat of the sun raiseth and excites vapours, but doth not presently dissipate them. Therefore, if there be any great store of them, they gather together into rain, either simply of itself, or joined with wind: if there be but small store of them, they turn only to wind.

17. The sun's heat in its increase, inclines more to the generation of winds, in its decrease to rains.

18. The great and continued heat of the sun attenuates and disperses vapours and sublimes them, and withal equally mixes and incorporates them with the air, whereby the air becomes calm and serene.

19. The more equal and continuate heat of the sun is less apt for the generation of winds; that which is more unequal and intermitted is more apt. Wherefore in sailing into Russia they are less troubled with winds than in the British sea, because of the length of the days; but in Peru under the equinoctial are frequent winds, by reason of the great inequality of heat, taking turns night and day.

20. In vapours is to be considered both the quantity and quality. A small quantity engenders weak winds, a mean or middle store stronger; great store engenders rain, either calm or accompanied with wind.

21. Vapours out of the sea and rivers, and overflown marshes, engender far greater quantity of winds than the exhalations of the earth. But those winds which are engendered on the land and dry places, are more obstinate, and last longer, and are, for the most part, such as are cast down from above. So that the opinion of the ancients in this, is not altogether unprofitable; but only that it pleased them, as in a manner dividing the inheritance, to assign rain to vapours, and to winds exhalations only, which things sound handsomely, but are vain in effect and substance.

22. Winds brought forth out of the resolutions of snow lying upon hills, are of a mean condition between water and land winds; but they incline more to water, yet they are more sharp and movable.

23. The dissolution of snow on snowy hills (as we observed before) always brings constant winds from that part.

24. Also, yearly northern winds about the

rising of the dogstar, are held to come from the frozen ocean, and those parts about the arctic circle, where the dissolutions of snow and ice come late when the summer is far spent.

25. Those masses or mountains of ice which are carried towards Canada and Greenland do rather breed cold gales than movable winds.

26. Winds which arise from chalky and sandy grounds, are few and dry, and in hotter countries they are sultry, smoky, and scorching.

27. Winds made of sea vapours do easilier turn back into rain, the water redemanding and claiming its rights; and if this be not granted them, they presently mix with air, and so are quiet. But terrestrial, smoky, and unctuous vapours are both hardlier dissolved and ascend higher, and are more provoked in their motion, and oftentimes penetrate the middle region of the air, and some of them are matter of fiery ineteors.

28. It is reported here in England, that in those days that Gascoine was under our jurisdiction, there was a petition offered to the king by his subjects of Bordeaux, and the confines thereof, desiring him to forbid the burning of heath in the counties of Sussex and Southampton, which bred a wind towards the end of April which killed their vines.

29. The meeting of winds, if they be strong, bring forth vehement and whirling winds; if they be soft and moist, they produce rain, and lay the wind.

30. Winds are allayed and restrained five ways. When the air, overburdened and troubled, is freed by the vapours contracting themselves into rain; or when vapours are dispersed and subtilized, whereby they are mixed with the air, and agree fairly with it, and they live quietly; or when vapours or fogs are exalted and carried up on high, so that they cause no disturbance until they be thrown down from the middle region of the air, or do penetrate it; or when vapours, gathered into clouds, are carried away into other countries, by other winds blowing on high, so that for them there is peace in those countries which they fly beyond; or, lastly, when the winds, blowing from their nurseries, languish through a long voyage, finding no new matter to feed on, and so their vehemency forsakes them, and they do as it were expire and die.

31. Rain, for the most part, allayeth winds, especially those which are stormy; as winds, contrariwise, oftentimes keep off rain.

32. Winds do contract themselves into rain, (which is the first of the five, and the chiefest means of allaying them,) either being burdened by the burden itself, when the vapours are copious, or by the contrary motions of winds, so they be calm and mild; or by the opposition of moun tains and promontories, which stop the violence of the winds, and, by little and little, turn them

against themselves; or by extreme colds, whereby they are condensed and thickened.

33. Smaller and lighter winds do commonly rise in the morning, and go down with the sun, the condensation of the night air being sufficient to receive them; for air will endure some kind of compression without stirring or tumult.

34. It is thought that the sound of bells will disperse lightning and thunder: in winds it hath not been observed.

Monition. Take advice from the place in prognostics of winds; for there is some connexion of causes and signs.

35. Pliny relates, that the vehemence of a whirlwind may be allayed by sprinkling of vinegar in the encounter of it.

The Bounds of Winds.

To the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth articles. 1. It is reported of Mount Athos, and likewise of Olympus, that the priests would write in the ashes of the sacrifices which lay upon the altars, built on the tops of those hills, and when they returned the year following, (for the offerings were annual,) they found the same letters undisturbed and uncancelled, though those altars stood not in any temple, but in the open air. Whereby it was manifest, that in such a height there had neither fallen rain nor wind blown.

2. They say that on the top of the Peak of Teneriffe, and on the Andes, betwixt Peru and Chili, snow lieth upon the borders and sides of the hills, but that on the tops of them there is nothing but a quiet and still air, hardly breatheable by reason of its tenuity, which, also, with a kind of acrimony, pricks the eyes and orifice of the stomach, begetting in some a desire to vomit, and in others a flushing and redness.

3. Vapoury winds seem notin any great height, though it be probable that some of them ascend higher than most clouds. Hitherto of the height; now we must consider of the latitude.

4. It is certain that those spaces which winds take up are very various, sometimes they are very large, sometimes little and narrow: winds have been known to have taken up a hundred miles' space with a few hours' difference.

5. Spacious winds (if they be of the free kind) are, for the most part, vehement, and not soft, and more lasting; for they will last almost four-andtwenty hours. They are likewise not so much inclined to rain. Strait or narrow winds, contrariwise, are either soft or stormy, and always short. 6. Fixed and stayed winds are itinerary or travelling, and take up very large spaces.

7. Stormy winds do not extend themselves into any large spaces, though they always go beyond the bounds of the storm itself.

8. Sea winds always blow within narrower spaces than earth winds, as may sometimes be seen at sea, namely, a pretty fresh gale in some

part of the water, (which may be easily perceived by the crisping of it,) when there is a calm, as smooth as glass, everywhere else.

9. Small whirlwinds (as we said before) will sometimes play before men as they are riding, almost like wind out of a pair of bellows. So much of the latitude; now we must see concerning the lastingness.

10. The vehement winds will last longer at sea, by reason of the sufficient quantity of vapours; at land they will hardly last above a day and a half.

11. Very soft winds will not blow constantly, neither at sea, nor upon the land, above three days.

12. The south wind is not only more lasting than the west, (which we set down in another place,) but likewise what wind soever it be that begins to blow in the morning, useth to be more durable and lasting than that which begins to blow at night.

13. It is certain that winds do rise, and increase by degrees, (unless they be mere storms,) but they allay sooner, sometimes as it were in an instant.

Succession of Winds.

To the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first articles. 1. If the wind doth change according to the motion of the sun, that is, from east to south, from south to west, from west to north, from the north to the east, it doth not return often, or if it doth, it doth it but for a short time. But if it go contrary to the motion of the sun, that is, from the east to the north, from the north to the west, from the west to the south, and from the south to the east, for the most part it is restored to its first quarter, at least before it hath gone round its whole compass and circuit.

2. If rain begins first, and the wind begins to blow afterwards, that wind will outlast the rain; but if the wind blow first, and then is allayed by the rain, the wind for the most part will not rise again; and if it does, there ensues a new rain.

3. If winds do blow variously for a few hours, and as it were to make a trial, and afterward begin to blow constantly, that wind shall continue for many days.

4. If the south wind begin to blow two or thres days, sometimes the north wind will blow presently after it. But if the north wind blows as many days, the south wind will not blow, until the wind have blown a little from the east.

5. When the year is declining and winter begins after autumn is past, if the south wind blows in the beginning of winter, and after it comes the north wind, it will be a frosty winter; but if the north wind blow in the beginning of winter, and the south wind come after, it will be a mild and warm winter.

6. Pliny quotes Eudoxus, to show that the order of winds returns after every four years, which seems not to be true, for revolutions are not so quick. This indeed hath been by some men's diligence observed, that greatest and most notable seasons (for heat, snow, frost, warm winters, and cold summers) for the most part return after the revolution of five-and-thirty years.

The Motion of the Winds.

To the twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twentyfifth, twenty-sixth, and twenty-seventh articles. Con


Men talk as if the wind were some body of itself, and by its own force did drive and agitate the air. Also, when the wind changes its place, they talk as if it did transport itself into another place. This is the vulgar's opinion; yet the philosophers themselves apply no remedy thereunto, but they likewise stammer at it, and do not any way contradict and oppose these errors.

1. We must therefore inquire concerning the raising of the motion of the winds, and of the direction of it, having already inquired of the local beginnings; and of those winds which have their beginning of motion in their first impulsion, as in those which are cast down from above or blow out of the earth, the raising of their motion is manifest: others descend below their own beginnings; others ascend, and being resisted by the air, become voluminous, especially near the angles of their violence; but of those which are engendered everywhere in this inferior air, (which are the frequentest of all the winds,) the inquisition seems to be somewhat obscure, although it be a vulgar thing, as we have set down in the commentation under the eighth article.

2. We found likewise an image or representation of this in that close tower which we spake of before; for we varied that trial three ways. The first was that which we spake of before; namely, a fire of clear burning coals. The second was a kettle of seething water, the fire being set away, and then the motion of the cross of feathers was more slow and dull. The third was with both fire and kettle; and then the agitation of the cross of feathers was very vehement, so that sometimes it would whirl up and down, as if it had been in a petty whirlwind, the water yielding store of vapours, and the fire which stood by it dissipating and dispersing them.

3. So that the chief cause of exciting motion in the winds is the overcharging of the air by a new addition of air engendered by vapours. Now we must see concerning the direction of the motion, and of the whirling, which is a change of the direction.

4. The nurseries and food of the winds doth govern their progressive motion; which nurseries and feedings are like unto the springs of rivers; namely, the places where there are great store of vapours, for there is the native country

of the winds. Then, when they have found a current, where the air makes no resistance, (as water when it finds a falling way,) then, whatso ever semblable matter they find by the way, they take into their fellowship, and mix it with their currents even as rivers do. So that the winds blow always from that side where their nurseries are which feed them.

5. Where there are no notable nurseries in any certain place, the winds stray very much, and do easily change their current, as in the middle of the sea, and large spacious fields.

6. Where there are great nurseries of the winds in one place, but in the way of its progress it hath but small additions, there the winds blow strongly in their beginnings, and by little and little they allay; and contrariwise, where they find good store of matter to feed on by the way, they are weak in the beginning, but gather strength by the way.

7. There are movable nurseries for the winds, namely, in the clouds, which many times are carried far away from the nurseries of vapours of which those clouds were made, by winds blowing high, then the nursery of the wind begins to be in that place where the clouds do begin to be dissolved into wind.

8. But the whirling of winds does not happen, because the wind which blows at first transports itself, but because either that is allayed and spent, or brought into order by another wind; and all this business depends on the various placings of the nurseries of winds, and variety of times, when vapours issuing out of these nurseries are dissolved.

9. If there be nurseries of winds on contrary parts, as one nursery on the south, another on the north side, the strongest wind will prevail; neither will there be contrary winds, but the stronger wind will blow continually, though it be somewhat dulled and tamed by the weaker wind, as it is in rivers, when the flowing of the sea comes in; for the sea's motion prevails, and is the only one, but it is somewhat curbed by the motion of the river; and if it so happen that one of those contrary winds, namely, that which was the strongest, be allayed, then presently the contrary will blow, from that side where it blew before, but lay hidden under the force and power of the greater.

10. As for example, if the nursery be at the north-east, the north-east wind will blow; but if there be two nurseries of winds, namely, another in the north, those winds for some tract of way will blow severally, but after the angle of confluence where they come together they will blow to the north-east, or with some inclination, accord ing as the other nursery shall prove stronger.

11. If there be a nursery of wind on the north side, which may be distant from some country twenty miles, and is the stronger; another on the

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