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weaving, carpentry, architecture, mill and clock-tice. The exact return and distances of the

work, and the like; although the latter are by no means to be neglected, both on account of their frequently presenting circumstances tending to the alteration of natural bodies, and also on account of the accurate information they afford of translatitious motion, a point of the greatest importance in many inquiries.

One thing, however, is to be observed and well, remembered in this whole collection of arts, namely, to admit not only those experiments which conduce to the direct object of the art, but also those which indirectly occur. For instance, the changing of the lobster or a crab when cooked from a dark to a red colour has nothing to do with cookery, yet this instance is not a bad one in investigating the nature of redness, since the same thing occurs in baked bricks. So, again, the circumstance of meat requiring less time for salting in winter than in summer, is not only useful information to the cook for preparing his meat, but is also a good instance to point out the nature and effect of cold. He therefore will be wonderfully mistaken, who shall think that he has satisfied our object when he has collected these experiments of the arts for the sole purpose of improving each art in particular. For, although we do not by any means despise even this, yet our firm intention is to cause the streams of every species of mechanical experiment to flow from all quarters into the ocean of philosophy. The choice of the most important instances in each (such as should be most abundantly and diligently searched and, as it were, hunted out) must be governed by the prerogative instances.

VI. We must here allude to that which we have treated more at length in the ninety-ninth, one hundred and nineteenth, and one hundred and twentieth aphorisms of the first book, and need now only briefly urge as a precept, namely, that there be admitted into this history, 1. The most common matters, such as one might think it superfluous to insert from their being so well known; 2. Base, illiberal, and filthy matters, (for to the pure every thing is pure, and if money derived from urine be of good odour, much more so is knowledge and information from any quarter,) and also those which are trifling and puerile; lastly, such matters as appear too minute, as being of themselves of no use. For (as has been observed) the subjects to be treated of in this history are not compiled on their own account, nor ought their worth, therefore, to be measured by their intrinsic value, but by their application

planets, therefore, in the history of the heavens, the circumference of the earth, and the extent of its surface compared with that of water, in the history of the earth and sea, the quantity of compression which the air will suffer without any powerful resistance, in the history of air, the quantity by which one metal exceeds another in weight, in that of metals, and a number of like points are to be thoroughly investigated and detailed. When, however, the exact proportions cannot be obtained, recourse must be had to those which are estimated or comparative. Thus, if we distrust the calculations of astronomers as to distances, it may be stated that the moon is within the shadow of the earth, and Mercury above the moon, &c. If mean proportions cannot be had, let extremes be taken, as that the feeblest magnet can raise iron of such a weight compared with its own, and the most powerful sixty times as much as its own weight, which I have myself observed in a very small armed magnet. For we know very well that determinate instances do not readily or often occur, but must be sought after as auxiliary, when chiefly wanted, in the very course of interpretation. If, however, they casually occur, they should be inserted in natural history, provided they do not too much retard its progress.

VIII. With regard to the credit due to the matters admitted into our history, they must either be certain, doubtful, or absolutely false. The first are to be simply stated, the second to be noted with "a report states," or, " they say," or, "I have heard from a person worthy of credit," and the like. For it would be too laborious to enter into the arguments on both sides, and would too much retard the author, nor is it of much consequence towards our present object, since (as we have observed in the hundred and eighteenth aphorism of the first book) the correctness of the axioms will soon discover the errors of experiment, unless they be very general. If, however, there be any instance of greater importance than the rest, either from its use, or the consequences dependent upon it, then the author should certainly be named, and not barely named, but some notice should be taken as to whether he merely heard or copied it, (as is generally the case with Pliny,) or rather affirmed it of his own knowledge, and, also, whether it were a matter within his own time or before it, or whether such as, if true, must necessarily have been witnessed by many; or, lastly, whether the author were vain

to other points, and their influence on philosophy. and trifiling, or steady and accurate and the like

VII. We moreover recommend that all natural bodies and qualities be, as far as possible, reduced to number, weight, measure, and precise definition; for we are planning actual results and not mere theory; and it is a proper combination of physics and mathematics that generates prac

points, which give weight to testimony. Lastly, those matters which are false, and yet have been much repeated and discussed, such as have gained ground by the lapse of ages, partly owing to neglect, partly to their being used as poetical comparisons; for instance, that the diamond overpowers the magnet, that garlic enervates, that amber attracts every thing but the herb basil, &c. &c., all these ought not to be silently rejected, but expressly proscribed, that they may never trouble science more.

It will not, however, be improper to notice the origin of any fable or absurdity, if it should be traced in the course of inquiry, such as the venereal qualities attributed to the herb satyrium, from its roots bearing some resemblance to the testicles. The real cause of this formation being the growth of a fresh bulbous root every year, which adheres to that of the preceding year, and produces the twin roots, and is proved by the firm, juicy appearance which the new root always presents, whilst the old one is withered and spongy. This last circumstance renders it a matter not worthy of much wonder, that the one root should always sink and the other swim, though this, too, has been considered marvellous,and has added weight to the reputed virtues of the plant. IX. There now remain certain useful accessories to natural history, for the purpose of bending and adapting it more readily to the labour of the interpreter which is to follow. They are five in number.

In the first place, queries are to be subjoined, (not of causes, but of facts,) in order to challenge and court further inquiry. As, for instance, in the history of the earth and sea, whether the Caspian has any tide, and the period of it? whether there is any southern continent, or only islands? and the like.

Secondly, in relating any new and delicate experiment, the method adopted in making it should be added, in order to allow free scope to the reader's judgment upon the soundness or fallacy of the information derived from it, and also to spur on men's industry in searching for more accurate methods, if such there be.

Thirdly, if there be any particle of doubt or hesitation as to the matter related, we would by no means have it suppressed or passed over, but it should be plainly and clearly set out, by way of note or warning. For we would have our first history written with the most religious particularity, and as though upon oath as to the truth of every syllable, for it is a volume of God's works, and (as far as the majesty of things divine can brook comparison with the lowliness of earthly objects) is, as it were, a second Scripture.

Fourthly, it will be proper to intersperse some observations, as Pliny has done. Thus, in the history of the earth and sea, we may observe, that the figure of the earth, as far as it is known to us, when compared with that of the sea, is narrow and pointed towards the south, broad and expanded towards the north, the contrary to that of the sea: and that vast oceans divide the continents, with channels extended from north to south, not from east to west, except, perhaps,

near the poles. Canons, also, (which are only general and universal observations,) are very properly introduced; as in the history of the heavens, that Venus is never more than forty-six degrees distant from the sun, nor Mercury more than twenty-three; and that the planets, which are placed above the sun, move most slowly when farthest from the earth, those beneath the sun most quickly. Another kind of observation is to be adopted, which has not hitherto been introduced, although of no small importance; namely, that to a list of things which exist, should be subjoined one of those which do not exist, as, in the history of the heavens, that no oblong or triangular star has been discovered, but all are globular, either simply, as the moon, or angular to the sight, but globular in the centre, as the other stars; or bearded to the sight, and globular in the centre, as the sun: or, that the stars are not arranged in any order, that there is no quincunx, square, or other perfect figure, (notwithstanding the names of the delta, crown, cross, wain, &c.,) scarcely in a right line, excepting, perhaps, the belt and sword of Orion.

Fifthly, it will, perhaps, assist the inquirer, though pernicious and destructive to the believer, to review all received opinions, their varieties and sects, briefly and currently as he proceeds, just to waken the intellect, and nothing further.

X. These will form a sufficient store of general precepts; and if they be diligently adhered to, the labour of this our history will both be directed immediately to its object and confined within proper limits. But if, even thus circumscribed and limited, it may, perhaps, appear vast to the feeble-minded, let him cast his eyes upon our libraries, and observe the codes of civil and canon law on the one hand, and the commentaries of doctors and practitioners on the other, and see what difference there is in the bulk and number of volumes. For we, who as faithful scribes do but receive and copy the very laws of nature, not only can, but must by necessity be brief; but opinions, dogmatisms, and theory, are innumerable and endless.

In the distribution of our work we made mention of the cardinal virtues of nature, and observed that a history of them must be completed before we come to the work of interpretation. This we have by no means forgotten, but we reserve it to ourselves, not daring to augur much from the industry of others in the attempt, until men have begun to be a little more acquainted with nature. We next proceed, therefore, to the designation of particular histories.

Pressed, however, by business, we have only leisure sufficient to subjoin a catalogue of parti cular histories, arranged under their proper heads As soon as time permits, it is our intention to instruct, as it were, by interrogation in each, namely, as to the points to be investigated and

committed to writing in every history, on account by special favour and divine providence, and by of their conducing to the end in view, and form- which mankind are contending for the recovery ing particular topics; or rather, (to borrow a me- of their dominion over nature, let us examine taphor from the civilians,) in this great action or nature and the arts themselves upon interrogacause, which has been conceded and instituted | tives.





1. A History of the Heavenly bodies; or, an Astronomical History.

2. A History of the Configuration of Heaven and its Parts as it lies towards the Earth and its Parts; or, a Cosmographical History.

3 A History of Comets.

4. A History of Igneous Meteors.

5. A History of Thunderbolts, Flashes of Lightning, Thunders, and Coruscations.

6. A History of Winds, Sudden Blasts, and Undulations of the Air.

7. A History of Rainbows.

8. A History of Clouds as they are seen in the Air above.

9. A History of the Azure Expanse, of Twilight, of two or more Suns or Moons visible at once, of Halos, of the different Colours of the Sun and Moon, and of all that diversity of the Heavenly Bodies to the eye which results from the medium of vision.

10. A History of Rains, common, tempestuous, and extraordinary; also of Cataracts of Heaven, as they are called, and the like.

11. A History of Hail, Snow, Ice, Hoar-frost, Fog, Dew, and the like.

12. A History of all other Substances which fall or are precipitated from on high, and are generated in upper Air.

13. A History of Noises heard on high, if there be any, besides Thunder.

14. A History of the Air as a whole, or relatively to the Structure of the World.

15 A History of Weathers or of the State of Temperature throughout the Year, with reference to variety of clime, and the Accidents of particular Seasons and the periods of the Year; of Floods, Heats, Droughts, and the like.

Figure and Outline, their Configuration relatively to one another, the manner in which they stretch into one another in broad Tracts or narrow Indentations, the History of the Islands in the Sea, of the Bays of the Sea, of salt inland Lakes, of Isthmuses, and Promontories. 17. The History of the Motions, if there be such, of the Globe of Earth and Sea, and from what Experiments they may be inferred.

18. The History of the greater Motions and Agitations of the Earth and Sea, that is, of Earthquakes, Tremblings of the Earth, and Chasms; of new Islands, of floating Islands, of Divulsions of the parts of the Land by inroads of the Sea, of its Encroachments and Influxes, and, on the other hand, its Recessions; of the Eruption of Fires from the Earth, of sudden Eruptions of Water from the Earth, and the like.

19. A Geographical Natural History, of Mountains, Valleys, Woods, Plains, Sands, Marshes, Lakes, Rivers, Torrents, Fountains, and all their diversities of irrigation, and the like; Leaving out of view Nations, Provinces, Cities, and other parts of Civil Society.

20. A History of the Ebbs and Flows of the Sea, of Undulations, and other Motions of the Sea.

21. A History of the other Accidents of the Sea, its Saltness, diversity of Colours, Depth, of Submarine Rocks, Mountains, and Valleys, and the like.

The following are Histories of the larger Masses

in Nature.

22. A History of Flame and Ignited Bodies. 23. A History of the Air in its Substance, not its

16. A History of the Earth and Sea, of their, Configuration.



24. A History of Water in its Substance, not its Configuration.

25. A History of the Earth, and its Varieties in its Substance, not its Configuration.

The following are Histories of Species. 26. A History of the perfect Metals, of Gold, Silver; of Mines, Veins, and Marcasites of the same, also the chymical Actions of Minerals in their natural state.

27. The History of Quicksilver.

28. A History of Fossils; as vitriol, sulphur, &c. 29. A History of Gems; as the diamond, ruby,


30. A History of Stones; as marble, gold-touchstone, flint, &c.

31. A History of the Magnet.

32. A History of Miscellaneous Substances, which are neither wholly fossil nor vegetable; as salts, amber, ambergris, &c.

33. A Chymical History, regarding Metals and Minerals.

34. A History of Plants, Trees, Fruits, Grapes, and their parts, the Roots, Stalks, Wood, Leaves, Flowers, Fruits, Seeds, Tears, or Exudations, &c.

35. A Chymical History, regarding Vegetables. 36. A History of Fishes, and their Parts and


37. A History of Volant Creatures, their Parts and Generation.

38. A History of Quadrupeds, their Parts and Generation.

39. A History of Reptiles, Worms, Flies, and other Insects, and of their Parts and Generation.

40. A Chymical History of those Substances which are extracted from Animals.

The following are Histories of Man.

41. A History of the Figure and external Members of Man; his Stature, the Knitting of his Frame, his Countenance and Features; and the varieties of these, according to nation and climate, or any minute diversities.

42. A History of Physiognomy, derived from the former.

43. A History Anatomical, or of the Internal Members of Man, and their Variety, so far as it is found in the Natural Cohesion and Structure of the Parts, and not merely with reference to Diseases and preternatural Accidents. 44. A History of the Homogeneous Parts of Man; as of flesh, bones, membranes, &c. 45. A History of the Humours in Man; as blood, bile, semen, &c.

46. A History of Excrements, Spittle, Urine, Sweats, Fæces, the Hair of the Head, and Hair generally, Nails, and the like.

47. The History of the Faculties of Attraction, Digestion, Retention, Expulsion; the Forma

tion of the Blood; the Assimilation of Nourishment to the Frame, the Conversion of the Blood and the Flower of it into Spirits, &c. 48. A History of Natural and Involuntary Mo tions; as the motions of the heart, the motions of the pulse, sneezing, the motions of the lungs, priapism.

49. A History of Motion of a mixed nature, between natural and voluntary; respiration, coughing, making water, stool, &c.

50. A History of Voluntary Motions; as of the organs of articulation or speaking, the motions of the eyes, tongue, jaws, hands, fingers, of swallowing, &c.

51. A History of Sleep and Dreams. 52. A History of different Habits of Body, of fat and lean, of complexions, (as they are called,)


53. A History of the Generation of Man. 54. A History of Conception, Quickening, Gestation in Utero, Birth, &c.

55. A History of the Nourishment of Man, of all Esculents and Potables, and of all Diet, and its Varieties, according to nations, or minor differences.

56. A History of the Augmentation and Growth of the Body, in the whole, or in its parts. 57. A History of the Course of life: of Infancy, Boyhood, Manhood, Old Age; of Longevity, Shortness of Life, and the like, according to nations, or minor differences.

58. A History of Life and Death. 59. A Medical History of Diseases; their symptoms and signs.

60. A Medical History of the Cure, Remedies of, and Liberations from Diseases.

61. A Medical History of those Things which preserve the Body and Health.

62. A Medical History of those Things which belong to the Form and Beauty of the Body, &c. 63. A Medical History of those Things which alter the Body, and belong to Alterative Regi


64. A History of Drugs. 65. A Chirurgical History.

66. A Chymical History, with Re erence to Medicines.

67. A History of Light and Visible Objects, or optical.

68. A History of Painting, Sculpture, Casts, &c. 69. A History of Hearing and Sounds.

70. A History of Music.

71. A History of Smell and Odours.
72. A History of Taste and Savours
73. A History of Touch, and its Objects.

74. A History of Venery, as a Species of Touch. 75. A History of Bodily Pains, as a Species of Touch.

76. A History of Pleasure and Pain in general. 77. A History of the Passions; as anger, love shame, &c.

78. A History of the Intellectual Faculties; the Cogitative Faculty, Fancy, Reason, Memory, &c. 79. A History of Natural Divination.

80. A History of Discernments; or, Discriminations of Occult Qualities.

81. A History of Cookery, and the Arts subservient to it; of the Shambles, of Aviaries, &c. 82. A History of Baking, and the Preparation of Bread, and the subservient Arts, as grinding meal.

83. A History of Wines.

84. A History of the Cellar, and different Kinds of Drinks.

85. A History of Sweetmeats and Confections.

86. A History of Honey.

87. A History of Sugar.

88. A History of Milkmeats.

89. A History of the Bath of Unguents.

111. A History of Wax.
112. A History of Osiers.

113. A History of Carpeting, and Manufactures
of Straw, Rushes, and the like.

114. A History of Washing, Brushing, &c.
115. A History of Farming, Pasturage, the Ma-
naging of Wood, &c.
116. A History of Gardens.

117. A History of Fishing.

118. A History of Hunting and Fowling.

119. A History of the Art of War, and the Arts subservient to it, as the manufacture of arms, bows, arrows, muskets, projectile engines, balistæ, machines, &c.

120. A History of the Nautical Art, and the Trades and Arts subservient to it.

121. A History of Gymnastics, and of all Kinds of Exercise used by Man.

90. A Miscellaneous History of the Care of the 122. A History of Riding.

Person; Shaving, Perfuming, &c.

91. A History of Working in Gold, and the Arts subservient to it.

92. A History of the Preparation of Wool, and the Arts subservient to it.

93. A History of Manufactures of Silk and Satin, and the Arts subservient to them.

94. A History of Manufactures of Linen, Canvass, Cotton, Hair, and other thready Substances, and of the Arts subservient to them.

95. A History of the Preparation of Feathers.

96. A History of Weaving, and the Arts subservient to it.

97. A History of Dyeing.

98. A History of Leather and Tanning, and the Arts subservient to it.

123. A History of Games of all kinds.

124. A History of Conjurors and Sleight of Hand


125. A Miscellaneous History of different Artificial Substances, as smalt, porcelain, various cements, &c.

126. A History of Salts.

127. A Miscellaneous History of different Machines and Motions.

128. A Miscellaneous History of Common Experiments, which have not yet united into an Art.

Histories also of pure Mathematics ought to be written, although they be rather Observations than Experiments.

[blocks in formation]

106. A History of Lead.

It may not be useless to suggest that, as many of the experiments fall under two or more heads, (thus the History of Plants and of the Art of Gardening contains many things common to both,)

107. A History of Glass and all Vitreous Sub- it will be more convenient to regulate the inquisi

stances, and of the Manufacture of Glass. 108. A History of Architecture in general.

109. A History of Wagons, Cars, Litters, &c. 110. A Typographical History of Books, Writings, Seals, Ink, Pens, Paper, Parchment, &c.

tion by the arts, the arrangement by the bodies. For we pay no great attention to the mechanical arts as such, but only to those of them which con. tribute to furnish forth philosophy. But these matters will be best disposed of as the cases arise.

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