So if I grant to a man omnes arbores 14 Η. 8. 2. meas crescentes supra terras meas in D. he shall not have apple trees, nor other fruit trees growing in my gardens or orchards, if there be any other trees upon my grounds. 41 Ed. 3. 6. et 19. So if I grant to I. S. an annuity of ten pounds a year pro consilio impenso et impendendo, if I S. be a physician, it shall be understood of his counsel in physic; and if he be a lawyer, of his counsel in law. So if I do let a tenement to I. S. near by my dwelling-house in a borough, provided that he shall not erect or use any shop in the same without my license, and afterwards I license him to erect a shop, and I. S. is then a miller, he shall not, by virtue of these general words, erect a joiner's shop. 16 Eliz. So the statute of chantries, that 26 E. 337. Dy. willeth all lands to be forfeited, given or employed to a superstitious use, shall not be construed of the glebe lands of parson337. Dyer. ages: nay farther, if the lands be given to the parson of D. to say a mass in his church of D. this is out of the statute, because it shall be intended but as augmentation of his glebe; but otherwise it had been, if it had been to say a mass in any other church than his own. So in the statute of wrecks, that willeth that goods wrecked where any live domestical creature remains in the vessel, shall be preserved and kept to the use of the owner that shall make his claim by the space of one year, doth not extend to fresh victuals or the like, which is impossible to keep without perishing or destroying it; for in these and the like cases general words may be taken, as was said, to a rare foreign intent, but never to an unreasonable intent. REGULA ΧΙ. Jura sanguinis nullo jure civili dirimi possunt. THEY be the very words of the civil law, which cannot be amended, to explain this rule, hæres est nomen juris, Filius est nomen naturæ : therefore corruption of blood taketh away the privity of the one, that is, of the heir, but not of 36 H. 6. 57,58, other, that is, of the son; therefore if a 21 Ed. 3. 17. man be attainted and be murdered by a stranger, the eldest son shall not have appeal, because the appeal is given to the heir, for the youngest sons who are equal in blood shall not have it; but if an attainted person be killed by his son, this is petty treason, for that the privity of a son remaineth: for I admit the law to be, that if the son kill his father or mother it is petty treason, and that there remaineth so much in our laws of the ancient footsteps of potestas patriæ and natural obedience, which by the law of God is the very instance itself; and all other government and obedience is taken but by equity, which I Lamb. Jus. p. 293. Fitz. crown. 447. add, because some have sought to weaken the law in that point. So if land descend to the eldest son of a person attainted from his ancestor of the mother held in knight's service, the guardian shall F. N. Br. fo. enter, and oust the father, because the 143. De Droit. law giveth the father that prerogative in respect he is his son and heir; for of a daughter or a special heir in tail he shall not have it: but if the son be attainted, and the father covenant in consideration of natural love to stand seised of land to his use, this is good enough to raise a use, because the privity of a natural affection remaineth. 26 E. 337. Dy. So if a man be attainted and have charter of pardon, and be returned of a jury between his son and I. S. the challenge remaineth; so may he maintain any suit of his son, notwithstanding the blood be corrupted. So by the statute of 21 H. VIII. the ordinary ought to commit the administration of his goods that was attainted and purchase his charter of pardon, to his children, though born before the pardon, for it is no question of inheritance: for if one brother of the half blood die, the administration ought to be committed 47. to his other brother of the half blood, if there be no nearer by the father. 5 Ed. 6. Adm. 33 H. 65. So if the uncle by the mother be attainted, and pardoned, and land descend from the father to the son within age held in socage, the uncle shall be guardian in socage; for that savoureth so little of the privity of heir, as the possibility to inherit shutteth not. But if a feme tenant in tail assent to the ravisher, and have no issue, and her cousin is attainted, and pardoned, and purchaseth the reversion, he shall not enter for a forfeiture. For 5 Ed. 4. 50. though the law giveth it not in point of inheritance, but only as a perquisite to any of the blood, so he be next in estate; yet the recompense is understood for the stain of his blood, which cannot be considered when it is once wholly corrupted before. So if a villain be attainted, yet the lord shall have the issues of his villain born before or after the attainder; for the lord hath them jure naturæ but as the increase of a flock. clusions of reason; but yet are learnings received | So it is a ground of the law, that the Fitz. Corone, with the law, set down, and will not have called in question; these may be rather called placita juris than regulæ juris; with such maxims the law will dispense, rather than crimes and wrongs should be unpunished, quia salus populi suprema lex; and salus populi is contained in the repressing offences by punishment. Therefore if an advowson be granted Fitz. N. B. 30. to two, and the heirs of one of them, and a usurpation be had, they both shall join in a writ of right of advowson; and yet it is a ground in law, that a writ of right lieth of no less estate than of a fee-simple: but because the tenant for life hath no other several action in the law given him, and also that the jointure is not broken, and so the tenant in fee-simple cannot bring his writ of right alone; therefore rather than he shall be deprived wholly of remedy, and this wrong unpunished, he shall join his companion with him, notwithstanding the feebleness of his estate. 46 Ed. 3. 21. But if lands be given to two, and to the heirs of one of them, and they lease in a præcipe by default, now they shall not join in a writ of right, because the tenant for life hath a several action, namely, a Quod ei deforciat, in which respect the jointure is broken. So if tenant for life and his lessor 27 H. S. 13. join in a lease for years, and the lessee commit waste, they shall join in punishing this waste, and locus vastatus shall go to the tenant for life, and the damages to him in reversion; and yet an action of waste lieth not for tenant for life; but because he in the reversion cannot have it alone, because of the mean estate for life, therefore rather than the waste shall be unpunished, they shall join. Also it is a positive ground, that the accessory in felony cannot be proceeded against, until the principal be tried; yet if a man upon subtlety and malice set a madman by some device to kill him, and he doth so; now forasmuch as the madman is excused because he can have no will nor malice, the law accounteth the inciter as principal, though he be absent. rather than the crime shall go unpunished. 25 6. Stamf. appeal of murder goeth not to the heir 159 Ed 4. M. where the party murdered hath a wife, lib. 2. fol. 60. nor to the younger brother where there is an elder; yet if the wife murder her husband, because she is the party offendor, the appeal leaps over to the heir; and so if the son and heir murder his father, it goeth to the second brother. But if the rule be one of the higher sort of maxims that are regulæ rationales, and not positivæ, then the law will rather endure a particular offence to escape without punishment, than violate such a rule. Ed. 3. 31. As it is a rule that penal statutes Cap. 12. Stamf. shall not be taken by equity, and the 2. fol. 125. statute of 1 Ed. VI. enacts that those that are attainted for stealing of horses shall not have their clergy, the judges conceived, that this did not extend to him that stole but one horse, and therefore procured a new act for it, 2 Ed. VI. cap. 33. And they had reason for it, Plow. 467. as I take the law; for it is not like the Litt. cap. 46. case upon the statute of Glocest. that gives an action of waste agaiast him that holds pro termino vitæ vel annorum. It is true, if a man hold but for a year he is within the statute; for it is to be noted, that penal statutes are taken strictly and literally only in the point of defining and setting down the fact and the punishment, and in those clauses that do concern them; and not generally in words that are but circumstances and conveyance in the putting of the case: and so see the diversity; for if the law be, that for such an offence a man shall lose his right hand, and the offender hath had his right hand before cut off in the wars, he shall not lose his left hand, but the crime shall rather pass without the punishment which the law assigned, than the letter of the law shall be extended; but if the statute of 1 Ed. VI. had been, that he that should steal a horse should be ousted of his clergy, then there had been no question at all, but if a man had stolen more horses than one, but that he had been within the statute, quia omne majus continet in se minus. REGULA ΧΙΙΙ. Non accipi debent verba in demonstrationem falsam quæ compelunt in limitationem veram. THOUGH falsity of addition or demonstration doth not hurt where you give the thing the proper name, yet nevertheless if it stand doubtful upon the words, whether they import a false reference and demonstration, or whether they be words of restraint that limit the generality of the former name, the law will never intend error or falsehood. 33 Eliz. 12 Eliz. 21. Dver. 291. 23 Eliz. Dv. 376. 7 Ed. 6. Dy. 56. And, therefore, if the parish of Hurst do extend into the counties of Wiltshire and Berkshire, and I grant my close called Callis, situate and lying in the parish of Hurst in the county of Wiltshire and the truth is, that the whole close lieth in the county of Berkshire; yet the law is, that it passeth well enough, because there is a certainty sufficient in that I have given it a proper name which the false reference doth not destroy, and not upon the reason that these words, "in the county of Wiltshire," shall be taken to go to the parish only, and so to be true in some sort, and not to the close, and so to be false: for if I had granted omnes terras meas in parochia de Hurst in com. Wiltshire, and I had no lands in Wiltshire but in Berkshire, nothing had past. 9 Ed. 4. 7. 18 Eliz. But in the principal case, if the close 21 Ed. 3. is. called Callis had extended part into Wiltshire and part in Berkshire, then only that part had passed which lay in Wiltshire. So if I grant omnes et singulas terras 29 Reg. meas in tenura I. D. quas perquisivi de I. N. in indentura dimissionis fact' I. B. specificat. If I have land wherein some of these references are true, and the rest false, and no land wherein they are all true, nothing passeth: as if I have land in the tenure of I. D. and purchased of I. N. but not specified in the indenture to I. B. or if I have land which I have purchased of I. N. and specified in the indenture of demise to I. B. and not in the tenure of I. D. But if I have some land wherein all these demonstrations are true, and some wherein part of them are true and part false, then shall they be intended words of true limitation to pass only those lands wherein all those circumstances are true. REGULA XIV. Licet dispositio de interesse futuro sit inutilis, tamen potest fieri declaratio præcedens quæ sortiatur effectum interveniente novo actu. THE law doth not allow of grants except there be a foundation of an interest in the grantor; for the law that will not accept of grants of titles, or of things in action which are imperfect interests, much less will it allow a man to grant or encumber that which is no interest at all, but merely future. But of declarations precedent before any interest vested the law doth allow, but with this difference, so that there be some new act or conveyance to give life and vigour to the declaration precedent. Now the best rule of distinction between grants and declarations is, that grants are never countermandable, not in respect of the nature of the conveyance or instrument, though sometime in respect of the interest granted they are, whereas declarations evermore are countermandable in their natures. And therefore if I grant unto you, 20 Eliz. that if you enter into an obligation to 19 H. 6. 62. me of one hundred pounds, and after do procure me such a lease, that then the same obligation shall be void, and you enter into such an obligation unto me, and afterwards do procure such a lease, yet the obligation is simple, because the defeisance was made of that which was not 27 Ed. 3. So if I grant unto you a rent charge out of white acre, and that it shall be lawful for you to distrain in all my other lands whereof I am now seised, and which I shall hereafter purchase, although this be but a liberty of distress, and no rent, save only out of white acre, yet as to the lands afterwards to be purchased the clause is void. So if a reversion be granted to I. S. 29 Ελ. 3. 6. and I. D. a stranger by his deed do 24 Eliz grant to I. S. that if he purchase the particular estate, he will atturne to the grant, this is a void atturnment, notwithstanding he doth afterwards purchase the particular estate. 13, 14 Eliz. 25 Eliz. M. 38. et 39 Eliz. But of declarations the law is contrary; as if the disseisee make a char- 20, 21 Eliz ter of feoffment to I. S. and a letter of attorney to enter and make livery and seisin, and deliver the deed of feoffment, and afterwards livery and seisin is made accordingly, this is a good feoffment; and yet he had no other thing than a right at the time of the delivery of the charter; but because a deed of feoffment is but matter of declaration and evidence, and there is a new act which is the livery subsequent, therefore it is good in law. So if a man make a feofiment to I. S. upon condition to enfeoff I. N. within certain days, and there are deeds made both of the first feoffment and the second, and letters of attorney accordingly, and both those deeds of feoffment and letters of attorney are delivered at a time, so that the second deed of feoffment and letters of attorney are delivered when the first feoffee had nothing in the land; and yet if both liveries be made accordingly, all is good. 36 Eliz. So if I covenant with I. S. by indenture, that before such a day I will purchase the manor of D. and before the same day I will levy a fine of the same land, and that the same fine shall be to certain uses which I express in the same indenture; this indenture to lead uses being but matter of declaration, and countermandable at mv pleasure, will suffice, though the land be purchased after; because there is a new act to be done, viz. the fine. 25 Eli: 27 Eliz. But if there were no new act, then otherwise it is, as if I covenant with my son in consideration of natural love, to stand seised unto his use of the lands which I shall afterwards purchase, yet the use is void: and the reason is, because there is no new act, nor transmutation of possession following to perfect this inception; for the use must be limited by the feoffor, and not the feoffee, and he had nothing at the time of the covenant. Com. Plowd, So if I devise the manor of D. by Rigden's case. special name, of which at that time I am not seised, and after I purchase it, except I make some new publication of my will, this devise is void; and the reason is, because that my death, which is the consummation of my will, is the act of God, and not my act, and therefore no such act as the law requireth. But if I grant unto I. S. authority by my deed to demise for years the land whereof I am now seised, or hereafter shall be seised; and after I purchase the lands, and I. S. my attorney doth demise them: this is a good demise, because the demise of my attorney is a new act, and all one with a demise by myself. 21 Eliz. But if I mortgage land, and after covenant with I. S. in consideration of money which I receive of him, that after I have entered for the condition broken, I will stand seised to the use of the same I. S. and I enter, and this deed is enrolled, and all within the six months, yet nothing passeth away, because this enrolment is no new act, but a perfective ceremony of the first deed of bargain and sale; and the law is more strong in that case, because of the vehement relation which the enrolment hath to the time of the bargain and sale, at what time he had nothing but a naked condition. So if two joint tenants be, and one 6 Ed. 6. Br. of them bargain and sell the whole land, and before the enrolment his companion dieth, nothing passeth of the moiety accrued unto him by survivor. REGULA XV. Mandata licita recipiunt strictam interpretationem, sed illicita latam et extensam. In committing of lawful authority to another, a man may limit it as strictly as it pleaseth him, and if the party authorized do transgress his authority, though it be but in circumstance expressed, it shall be void in the whole act. But when a man is author and monitor to another to commit an unlawful act, then he shall not excuse himself by circumstances not pursued. 16 El. Dy. 337. Therefore if I make a letter of attorney 10 H. 7. 19 to I. S. to deliver livery and seisin in 15, 16. the capital messuage, and he doth it in another place of the land; or between the hours of two and three, and he doth it after or before; or if I make a charter of feoffiment to I. D. and I. B. and express the seisin to be 16 El. Dy. 337. delivered to I. D. and my attorney del D. 283. liver it to I. B. in all these cases the Dy. act of the attorney, as to execute the estate, is void; but if I say generally to I. D. whom I mean only to enfeoff, and my attorney make it to his attorney, it shall be intended, for it is a livery to him in law. 38 8. 08. But on the other side, if a man com- Is El. Sander's In criminalibus sufficit generalis malitia intentionis mand I. S. to rob I. D. on Shooters- case, com. 176. cum facto paris gradus. ALL crimes have their conception in a corrupt intent, and have their consummation and issuing in some particular fact; which though it be not the fact at which the intention of the malefactor levelled, yet the law giveth him no advantage of that error, if another particular ensue of as high a nature. 13 Eliz. Sander's case. com. 474. Therefore if an impoisoned apple be laid in a place to poison I. S. and I. D. cometh by chance and eateth it, this is murder in the principal that is actor, and yet the malice in individus was not against I. D. So if a thief find the door open, and Cr. J. Peace, 30. come in by night and rob a house, and be taken with the manner, and break a door to escape, this is burglary; yet the breaking of the door was without any felonious intent, but it is one entire act. So if a caliver be discharged with a murderous Intent at I. S. and the piece break and strike into the eye of him that dischargeth it, and killeth him, he is felo de se, and yet his Intention was not to hurt himself; for felonia de Cave. hill, and he doth it on Gad's-hill; or to rob him such a day, and he doth it not himself but procureth I. B. to do it; or to kill him by poison, and he doth it by violence; in all these cases, notwithstanding the fact be not executed, yet he is accessory nevertheless. Ibidem. But if it be to kill I. S. and he killeth I. D. mistaking him for I. S. then the acts are distant in substance, and he is not accessory. And be it that the facts be of differing degrees, and yet of a kind. As if a man bid I. S. to pilfer away such things out of a house, and precisely restrain him to do it sometimes when he is gotten in without breaking of the house, and yet he breaketh the house; yet he is accessory to the burglary; for a man cannot condition with an unlawful act, but he must at his peril take heed how he putteth himself into another man's hands. But if a man bid one rob I. S. as he 18 Eliz. in Sangoeth to Sturbridge-fair, and he rob der's case, pl. him in his house, the variance seems to be of substance, and he is not accessory. 21 Ass. 24. 11 H. 4. 41. 7 H. 6. 37. And it seemeth in the case of maim, and some other cases, that the court may dismiss themselves of discussing the matter by examination, and put it to a jury, and then the party grieved shall have his attaint; and therefore it seemeth that the court that doth deprive a man of his action, should be subject to an action; but that notwithstanding the law will not have, as was said in the beginning, the judges called in question in the point of their office when they undertake to discuss the issue, and that is the true reason: for to say that the reason of these cases should be, because trial by the court should be peremptory as trial by certificate, (as by the bishop in case of bastardy, or by the marshal of the king, &c.) the cases are nothing alike; for the reason of those cases of certificate is, because if the court should not give credit to the certificate, but should re-examine it, they have no other mean but to write again to the same lord bishop, or the same lord marshal, which were frivolous, because it is not to be presumed they would differ from their former certificate; whereas in these other cases of error the matter is drawn before a superior court, to re-examine the errors of an inferior court: and therefore the true reason, as was said, that to examine again that which the court had tried were in substance to attaint the court. And therefore this is a certain rule in error, that error in law is ever of such matters as were not crossed by the record; as to allege the death of the tenant at the time of the judgment given, nothing appeareth upon record to the contrary. So when the infant levies a fine, it appeareth not upon the record that he is an infant, therefore it is an error in fact, and shall be tried by inspection during nonage. F. N. Br. 21. 2 R, 3.20, But if a writ of error be brought in the King's Bench of a fine levied by an infant, and the court by inspection and examination doth affirm the fine, the infant, though it be during his infancy, shall never bring a writ of error in the Parliament upon this judgment; not but that error lies after error, but because it doth now appear upon the record that he is now of full age, therefore it can be no error in fact. And therefore if a man will assign for error that fact, that whereas the judges gave judgment for him, the clerks entered it in the roll against him, this error shall not be allowed; and yet it doth not touch the judges but the clerks: but the reason is, if it be an error, it is an error in fact; and you shall never allege an error in fact contrary to the record. REGULA XVIII. F. N. Br. 21. 9 Ed. 4. 3. Persona conjuncta æquiparatur interesse proprio THE law hath that respect of nature and conjunction of blood, as in divers cases it compareth |