Imágenes de páginas

ous than felt, as whereby I am not likely to be able to wait upon your lordship, as I desired, your lordship being the person, of whom I promise myself more almost than of any other; and, again, to whom, in all loving affection, I desire

safing so to visit this poorest and unworthiest of your servants. It doth me good at heart, that, although I be not where I was in place, yet I am in the fortune of your lordship's favour, if I may call that fortune, which I observe to be so

no less to approve myself a true friend and ser- unchangeable. I pray hard that it may once

vant. My desire to your lordship, is to admit this gentleman, my kinsman and approved friend, to explain to you my business, whereby to save further length of letter, or the trouble of your lordship's writing back.



The event of the business, whereof you write, is, it may be, for the best for seeing my lord, of himself, beginneth to come about, quorsum as yet? I could not in my heart, suffer my Lord Digby to go hence, without my thanks and acknowledgments. I send my letter open, which I pray seal and deliver. Particulars I would not touch.

Your most affectionate and assured friend, FR. ST. ALBAN.



When you write by pieces, it showeth your continual care; for a flush of memory is not so much; and I shall be always, on my part, ready to watch for you, as you for me.

I will not fail, when I write to the lord marquis, to thank his lordship for the message, and to name the nuntius. And, to tell you plainly, this care they speak of, concerning my estate, was more than I looked for at this time; and it is that which pleaseth me best. For my desires reach but to a fat otium. That is truth; and so would I have all men think, except the greatest; for I know patents, absque aliquid inde reddendo, are not so easily granted.

I pray my service to the Spanish ambassador, and present him my humble thanks for his favour. I am much his servant; and ashes may be good for somewhat. I ever rest

Your most affectionate and assured friend, FR. ST. ALBAN.

I have sought for your little book, and cannot find it. I had it one day with me in my coach. But sure it is safe; for I seldom lose books or papers.

[blocks in formation]

come in my power to serve you for it; and who can tell but that, as fortis imaginatio generat casum, so strange desires may do as much? Sure I am, that mine are ever waiting on your lordship; and wishing as much happiness as is due to your incomparable virtue, I humbly do your lordship reverence.

Your lordship's most obliged
and humble servant,


P. S. The most prodigious wit that ever I knew of my nation, and of this side of the sea, is of your lordship's name, though he be known by another.



I must use a better style than mine own in saying, Amor tuus undequaque se ostendit ex literis tuis proximis, for which I give your grace many thanks, and so, with more confidence, continue my suit to your lordship for a lease absolute for twenty-one years of the house, being the number of years which my father and my predecessors fulfilled in it. A good fine requires certainty of term; and I am well assured, that the charge I have expended in reparations, amounting to one thousand marks at least already, is more than hath been laid out by the tenants that have been in it since my remembrance, answerable to my particular circumstance, that I was born there, and am like to end my days there. Neither can I hold my hand, but, upon this encouragement, am like to be doing still, which tendeth to the improvement, in great measure, of the inheritance of your see by superlapidations, if I may so call it, instead of dilapidations, wherewith otherwise it might be charged.

And whereas a state for life is a certainty, and not so well seen how it wears, a term of years makes me more depending upon you and your succession.

For the providing of your lordship and your successors a house, it is part of the former covenant, wherein I desired not to be released.

So, assuring myself of your grant and perfecting of this my suit, and assuring your grace of my earnest desire and continual readiness to deserve well of you, and yours chiefly, and likewise of the see in any the causes or preeminences thereof, I commend your grace to God's goodness, resting, &c.

Dr. Tobie Matthew.



Je me tiens à grand honneur, qu'il plaise à vostre altesse de me cognoistre pour tel, que je suis, ou pour le moins voudrois estre, envers vous et vostre service: et m'estimeray heureux, si par mes conseils auprès du roy, ou autre devoir, je pourroy contribuer à vostre grandeur, dont il semble que Dieu vous a basti de belles occasions, ayant en contemplation vostre très-illustre personne, non seulement comme très-cher allié de mon maistre, mais aussi, comme le meilleur appui, après les roys de Grande Bretagne, de la plus saine partie de la chrestieneté.

Je ne puis aussi passer sous silence la grande raison, que vostre altesse fait à vostre propre honneur en choississant tels conseilleurs et ministres d'estat, comme se montre très-bien estre Monsieur le Baron de Dhona et Monsieur de Plessen, estants personages si graves, discrètes et habiles; en quoy vostre jugement reluict assez.

Vostre altesse de vostre grâce excusera la faulte de mon langage François, ayant esté tant versé es vielles loix de Normandie: mais le coeur supplera la plume, en priant Dieu de vous tenir en sa digne et saincte garde,

Monseigneur, de vostre Altesse le plus

humble et plus affectionné serviteur. Endorsed, May 13, 1619.








I was as ready to show myself mindful of my My humble duty remembered, and my humble duty, by waiting on your ladyship, at your being thanks presented for your lordship's favour and in town, as now by writing, had I not feared lest countenance, which it pleased your lordship, at your ladyship's short stay, and quick return might my being with you, to vouchsafe me, above my well spare me, that came of no earnest errand. I degree and desert. My letter hath no further am not yet greatly perfect in ceremonies of court, errand but to commend unto your lordship the whereof, I know, your ladyship knoweth both the remembrance of my suit, which then I moved right use, and true value. My thankful and ser- unto you; whereof it also pleased your lordship viceable mind shall be always like itself, howso- to give me good hearing, so far forth as to promise ever it vary from the common disguising. Your to tender it unto her majesty, and withal to add, ladyship is wise, and of good nature to discern in the behalf of it, that which I may better deliver from what mind every action proceedeth, and to by letter than by speech; which is, that although esteem of it accordingly. This is all the message it must be confessed that the request is rare and which my letter hath at this time to deliver, unaccustomed, yet if it be observed how few there

unless it please your ladyship further to give me
leave to make this request unto you, that it would
please your good ladyship, in your letters, where-
with you visit my good lord, to vouchsafe the
mention and recommendation of my suit; where-
in your ladyship shall bind me more unto you
than I can look ever to be able sufficiently to ac-
knowledge. Thus, in humble manner, I take my
leave of your ladyship, committing you, as daily
in my prayers, so, likewise, at this present, to the
merciful providence of the Almighty.
Your ladyship's most dutiful

and bounden nephew,

be which fall in with the study of the common laws, either being well left or friended, or at their own free election, or forsaking likely success in other studies of more delight, and no less preferment, or setting hand thereunto early, without waste of years; upon such survey made, it may be my case may not seem ordinary, no more than my suit, and so more beseeming unto it. As I force myself to say this in excuse of my motion, lest it should appear unto your lordship altogether indiscreet and unadvised, so my hope to obtain it resteth only upon your lordship's good affection toward me, and grace with her majesty, who, methinks, needeth never to call for the experience of the thing, where she hath so great and so good

From Grey's Inn, this 16th September, 1580. * Lansd. MS. xxxi., art. 14.

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* Lansd. MS. xxxi art. 14. 02

of the person which recommendeth it. According themselves, yet laborant invidia; I find, also, that

to which trust of mine, if it may please your
lordship both herein and elsewhere to be my
patron, and to make account of me, as one in
whose well doing your lordship hath interest,
albeit, indeed, your lordship hath had place to
benefit many, and wisdom to make due choice of
lighting places for your goodness, yet do I not
fear any of your lordship's former experiences for
staying my thankfulness borne in heart, howso-
ever God's good pleasure shall enable me or dis-
able me, outwardly, to make proof thereof; for I
cannot account your lordship's service distinct
from that which I owe to God and my prince; the
performance whereof to best proof and purpose is
the meeting point and rendezvous of all my
thoughts. Thus I take my leave of your lordship,
in humble manner, committing you, as daily in
my prayers, so, likewise, at this present, to the
merciful protection of the Almighty.

Your most dutiful and bounden nephew,

From Grey's Inn, this 16th of September, 1580.



such persons as are of nature bashful (as myself
is,) whereby they want that plausible familiarity
which others have, are often mistaken for proud.
But once I knew well, and I most humbly be-
seech your lordship to believe, that arrogancy
and overweening is so far from my nature, as if
I think well of myself in any thing, it is in this,
that I am free from that vice. And I hope upon
this your lordship's speech, I have entered into
those considerations, as my behaviour shall no
more deliver me for other than I am. And so,
wishing unto your lordship all honour, and to
myself continuance of your good opinion, with
mind and means to deserve it, I humbly take
my leave.

Your lordship's most bounden nephew,

Grey's Inn, this 6th of May, 1586.


SIR:-I thank your honour very much for the signification which I received by Mr. Hickes, of your good opinion, good affection, and readiness; and as to the impediment which you mention, and I did forecast, I know you bear that honourable disposition, as it will rather give you appre

I take it as an undoubted sign of your lord-hension to deal more effectually for me than

ship's favour unto me, that, being hardly informed of me, you took occasion rather of good advice than of evil opinion thereby. And if your lordship had grounded only upon the said information of theirs, I might, and would truly have upholden that few of the matters were justly objected; as the very circumstances do induce, in that they were delivered by men that did misaffect me, and, besides, were to give colour to their own doings. But because your lordship did mingle therewith both a late motion of mine own, and somewhat which you had otherwise heard, I know it to be my duty, (and so do I stand affected,) rather to prove your lordship's admonition effectual in my doings hereafter, than causeless by excusing what is past. And yet, (with your lordship's pardon humbly asked,) it may please you to remember, that I did endeavour to set forth that said motion in such sort, as it might breed no harder effect than a denial. And I protest simply before God, that I sought therein an ease in coming within bars, and not any extraordinary or singular note of favour. And for that, your lordship may otherwise have heard of me, it shall make me more wary and circumspect in carriage of myself; indeed, I find in my simple observation, that they which live, as it were, in umbra and not in public or frequent action, how moderately and modestly soever they behave

otherwise, not only because the trial of friends
is in case of difficulty, but again, for that without
this circumstance, your honour should be only
esteemed a true friend and kinsman, whereas now
you shall be further judged a most honourable
counsellor for pardons are each honourable,
because they come from mercy, but most honour-
able towards such offenders. My desire is, your
honour should break with my lord, your father
as soon as may stand with your convenience,
which was the cause why now I did write. And
so I wish your honour all happiness.

Your honour's in faithful affection
to be commanded,

From Grey's Inn, this 16th of April, 1593



MR. HICKES, still I hold opinion that a good solicitor is as good as a good counsellor, I pray as you have begun so continue, to put Sir Robert Cecil in mind. I write now because I understand, by occasion of Mr. Solicitor's ordering at the court, things are like to be deliberated, if not resolved. I pray learn what you can, both by your nearness private estate, which, as I have not altogether you like the bargain of my marsh lands, you shall neglected, so I have but negligently attended, have their refusal, and I shall think you true and and which hath been bettered only by yourself, timely friends. So, in great haste, I bid you (the queen except,) and not by any other in mat- both farewell.

* Lansd. MS. li. art. 5, Orig.

Lansd. MS. Ixxv. art. 36, Orig. † Lansd. MS. Ixxv. art. 56, Orig

to my lord, and by speech with Sir Robert, and write what you find. Thus, in haste, I wish you right well.

Your friend assured,


From Gorhambury, this 26th of September, 1593.

I pray send me word what is your day of payment, and whether you can be certain to renew, because my brother's land is not yet sold.


AFTER the remembrance of my humble and bounden duty, it may please your good lordship, the last term I drew myself to my house in the country, expecting that the queen would have placed another solicitor, and so I confess a little to help digestion, and to be out of eye, I absented myself, for I understood her majesty not only to continue in her delay, but, (as I was advertised chiefly by my Lord of Essex,) to be retrograde, (to use the term applied to the highest powers;) since which time, I have, as in mine own conceit, given over the suit, though I leave it to her majesty's tenderness, and the constancy of my honourable friends, so it be without pressing.

And now my writing to your lordship is chiefly to give you thanks. For, surely, if a man consider the travail and not the event, a man is often more bounden to his honourable friends for a suit denied than for a suit succeeding. Herewithal, I am bold to make unto your lordship three requests, which ought to be very reasonable, because they come so many at once. But I cannot call that reasonable, which is only grounded upon favour. The first is, that your lordship would yet tueri opus tuum, and give as much life unto this present suit for the solicitor's place, as may be without offending the queen, (for that were not good for me.) The next is, that, if I did show myself too credulous to idle hearsays, in regard of my right honourable kinsman and good friend, Sir Robert Cecil, (whose good nature did well answer my honest liberty,) your lordship will impute it to the complexion of a suitor, and of a tired sea-sick suitor, and not to mine own inclination; lastly, that howsoever this matter go, yet I may enjoy your lordship's good favour and help, as I have done in regard of my

with more ease, practise the law, which, percase, I may use now and then for my countenance,) yet, to speak plainly, though perhaps vainly, I do not think that the ordinary practice of the law, not serving the queen in place, will be admitted for a good account of the poor talent that God hath given me, so as I make reckoning, I shall reap no great benefit to myself in that course. Thus, again desiring the continuance of your lordship's goodness as I have hitherto found, and on my part, sought also to deserve, I commend your good lordship to God's good preservation.

Your lordship's most humbly bounden,

From Gray's Inn, this 21st of March, 1594.



MR. MAYNARD and Mr. Hickes, I build somewhat, upon the conceit I have of your good wills, which maketh me direct my request to you in so pressing an occasion as is fallen unto me, by the strange slipping, and uncertain over-cunning dealing of a man in the city, who, having concluded a bargain with me for certain marsh lands, now in mortgage for a thousand pounds, and standing to be redeemed the 24th of this present, which is but twelve days hence, and being to give me sixteen hundred and odd pounds for the sale, doth now upon a point, as clear as any case in Littleton, and wherein Mr. Attorney-General, Mr. Brograve, Mr. Heskett, Mr. Gerard, Mr. Altham, and all that I can speak with, make no manner of doubt, quarrel upon the assurance, and so in this time of difficulty for money pensions, and in so instant a quantity of time as twelve days, plunge me to seek my redemption money, or to forfeit my land to seven hundred pounds less and more. This maketh me desire the help of two so good friends as I esteem yourselves to be, the rather because the collateral pawn which I would offer, which is the assurance of my lease of Twickenham, being a thing which will pass with easy and short assurance, and is every way clear and unsubject to encumbrance, (because it is my pleasure and my dwelling,) I would not offer but to a private friend; upon which assurance my desire is, that upon your joint means or credit, I might be furnished at my day, and if either of

ter of importance. This last request, I find it more necessary for rie to make, because, (though I am glad of her majesty's favour, that I may,

* Lansd. MS. Ixxviii. art. 31, Orig.

Your friend, loving and assured,

From my chamber, this 12th of March, 1595.

Lansd. MS. lxxx. art. 71, Orig.



I am sorry the joint mask from the four inns of court faileth, wherein I conceive there is no other ground of that event but impossibility. Nevertheless, because it falleth out that at this time Gray's Inn is well furnished of gallant young gentlemen, your lordship may be pleased to know that rather than this occasion shall pass without some demonstration of affection from the inns of court; there are a dozen gentlemen of Gray's Inn, that out of the honour which they bear to your lordship and my lord chamberlain, to whom at their last mask they were so much bounden, will be ready to furnish a mask, wishing it were in their powers to perform it according to their minds. And so for the present I humbly take my leave, resting

Your lordship's very humble

and much bounden,



SIR, The queen hath done somewhat for me, though not in the proportion I hoped, but the order is given, only the moneys will not in any part come to my hand this fortnight; the later by reason of Mr. Attorney's absence, busied to † the queen, and I am like to borrow the mean while. Thus hoping to take hold of your invitation some day this borrowing, I rest Your assured friend,



MY LORD, No man can better expound my doings than your lordship, which maketh me need to say the less; only I humbly pray you to believe that I aspire to conscience and commendation, first of bonus civis, which with us is a good and true servant to the queen, and next of bonus vir, that is, an honest man. I desire your lordship also to think that though I confess I love some things much better than I love your lordship, as the queen's service, her quiet and contentment,

not but allow; for as I was ever sorry that your lordship should fly with waxen wings, doubting Icarus's fortune, so, for the growing up of your own feathers, specially ostrich's, or any other, save of a bird of prey, no man shall be more glad; and this is the axletree whereupon I have turned, and shall turn, which to signify to you, though I think you are of yourself persuaded as much, is the cause of my writing; and so commend I your lordship to God's goodness.

Your lordship's most humbly,

From Gray's Inn, this 20th of July, 1600.



MR. HICKES, I thank you for your letter, testifying your kind care of my fortune, which when it mendeth, your thanks will likewise amend. In particular you write you would be in town as on Monday, which is passed, and that you would make proof of Mr. Billett, or some other friend for my supply, whereof I see you are the more sensible, because you concur in approving my purpose and resolution, of first freeing my credit from suits and speech, and so my estate by degrees, which in very truth was the cause which made me sub impudens in moving you for new help, when I should have helped you with your former money. I am desirous to know what success you have had since your coming to town, in your kind care. I have thought of two sureties for one hundred pounds a piece: the one Mr. Fra. Anger, of Gray's Inn, he that was the old Count of Lincoln's executor, a man very honest and very able, with whom I have spoken, and he hath promised; the other Sir Thomas Hobby, whom I have not spoken with, but do presume of, though I never used him in that kind. So leaving it to your good will, I rest

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MR. HICKES, Your remain shall be with you this term, but I have now a further request, which,

her honour, her favour, the good of my country, if you perform, I shall think you one of the best

and the like, yet, I love few persons better than yourself, both for gratitude's sake, and for your own trueness, which cannot hurt but by accident

or abuse, of which my good affection, I was ever

and am ready to yield testimony by any good

offers, but with such reservations as yourself can

Lansd. MS. cvii. art. 8, Orig +Lansd. MS. cvii. art. 9, Orig. Difficult to decypher, q. intercede ? ) Lansd. MS. lxxxvii. art. 79, Orig.

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