Imágenes de páginas

that all the things we fee fpeak fomething to the mind, to inftruc and improve it.' On fuch a principle this little book is formed: and we are inclined to speak of it as a pretty and a useful performance. The defign is ingenious and fenfible, the execution alfo agreeable, and well adapted to the intention: yet, we unwillingly add, there may perhaps be a few inftances, in which the remarks here made may tend to form prejudices in the young mind, or give it a bias not altogether favourable to candid inquiry and liberality.HI. Art. 67. Lilly's Accidence enlarged; or, a complete Introduction, in English Profe, to the feveral Parts of English Grammar, and a Syltem of Rhetoric illuftrated by Examples of Claffic Authority, 12mo. I s. 6d. Lowndes. 1788.

This is the feventh edition of the prefent work, with improve



Art. 68. Sacred Extracts. 8vo. 4s. bound. Dilly. 1788. This book is defigned for the ufe of fchools, and probably was compiled by the fame hand which a fhort time fince furnished col.. lections from the Latin and Greek claffics. A few proper reasons are mentioned in the preface. It is here fuppofed, that one great cause of the neglect of the fcriptures in places of education is, a dif approbation of reading them indifcriminately. It is alfo remarked, that while they are lofing ground, many trifling and uninterefting books fupply their place: even hiftories of Jefus Chrift and of the Bible, it is added, are conveyed in language, which tends to debafe the fubject. On fuch confiderations the prefent extracts are offered. The chapters which are chofen from the New Teftament are those

particularly recommended by Dr. Anthony Blackwall. D:


Art. 69. An Efay on the Caufes of the Variety of Complexion and Figure in the human Species. To which are added, Strictures on Lord Kames's "Difcourfe on the original Diversity of Mankind." By the Rev. Samuel Stanhope Smith, D. D. &c. Philadelphia printed. Edinburgh reprinted. (With fome additional Notes, by a Gentleman of the University of Edinburgh), for Elliot and Co. London. 8vo. 3 s. 6d. fewed. 1788. Art. 70. Another Edition of the above-mentioned work, reprinted by Stockdale, in Piccadilly. 8vo. 2s. 6d.

Dr. Smith here purfues, with much ingenuity and labour, a very curious enquiry. From obferving nature, and her operations, and the effects produced in them by diverfity of climate, by favage and focial life, by diet, exercife, and manners of living, the author fhews, that all the different nations of mankind may have fprung from one original pair; and he thence infers, that there is no occafion to have recourfe to the hypothefis of feveral original stocks. The fubject has been amply difcuffed by Linné in his oration on the increase of the habitable world, printed in the fecond volume of the Amanitates Academice, a work which Dr. Smith has not perhaps feen, and which is pot confined to man alone, but treats of animals in general,


Dr. Smith's arguments would lofe much of their force if detached or abridged. Recommending therefore the whole work to the perufal of the naturalift and the divine, we fhall conclude with one brief remark, en passant, on what our author, in contending for the power of climate, and the changes it produces on animals, &c. fays of the negroes. He affirms, that the native blacks in America mend in their colour, features, and hair, in every generation. This would be controverted, no doubt, by a negro critic, who would certainly object to the word mend; which, however, perhaps, he would candidly confider as an error of the prefs, and fhortly fay, * for mend, read degenerate:”—and, " for hair, read wool.”. R......m.


Art. 71. A Letter addressed to the Minifters of the Orthodox or Calviniftic Baptifts; particularly thofe of the Weftern Affociation: fhewing the Inconfiftency of their Conduct and Worship, and propofing a Remedy. By one of their Brethren. 8vo. 3 d. Johnfon, &c.

Unfcriptural doxologies, fuch as are in common ufe among diffenters of the Calviniftic perfuafion, are the objects of this writer's animadverfion. Though he feems warmly interested in his subject, he writes with candour. It is very obvious, that the worship of God ought to be as fimple and general as poffible, that none may be offended, and all be edified. Nothing therefore is more furprising, than that any diffenters, who value themselves on account of their freedom from human authority, fhould be unwilling to depart from arbitrary and unfcriptural reftrictions. E.....d.

Art. 72. Four Marks of Antichrift; or, a Supplement to the Warburtonian Lecture. 8vo. 1s. Deighton. 1788.

The title, when compared with the book, proves that we have here an arch writer: we will not call him a wag, both because his fubject is ferious, and he alfo treats it in a grave and ferious, though at the fame time a lively, and we must add, an able manner. Antichrift may be confidered as having fixed its head-quarters on the feven bills of Rome, yet, fays he, may Chriftian focieties of different denominations become true members of its body, from conspiring in the fame views, and from ufurping the fame authority, which have ftamped this mark of ignominy on the forehead of the Romish church.-The marks which are here fpecified are briefly thefe: 1. An exercise of religious power over the minds by the governor, and a fubmiflion to this power in the jubject. 2. Enjoining other terms of communion than thofe required and appointed by our Lord himself and his apostles. 3. An inordinate fpirit of ambition, or love of pre-eminence and power. The fourth criterion is pointed out by introducing a paffage of fcripture: Matt. vii. 13, 14. Enter ye in at the trait gate,' &c. It may be farther explained by these words of the author, Any conftitution of religion that counteracts this purpose (viz. of recalling men to virtue and happiness), and confpires with the general depravity of manners, must be a member of the body of Antichrift. Each of thefe topics he illuftrates; under one of them (the fecond) he points to a particular fubject, when many will be inclined to think a more general account might have


fufficed. He will certainly be faid to have dipped his pen in gall; as he writes with too great feverity. But with this we have nothing to do, nor are we concerned either to fupport or oppofe the charge he brings. There may be thofe whofe honour and intereft are deeply affected by it. The writer callis on ecclefiaftical dignitaries,-for (miferabile dictu!) the church of England is immediately intended,and on the noted champion Dr. Horfley by name, affuring them, that whenever they make a reply, he will throw afide the veil, and directly give them his name, -For farther information, we refer to the pamphlet. HI...S.

Art. 73. Hints, &c. fubmitted to the Attention of the Clergy, Nobility, and Gentry, newly aflociated. By a Layman, a true Friend to the Constitution, in Church and State. 8vo. 15. Rivingtons, &c. 1788..

This anonymous call to ecclefiaftical reformation, ftates feveral facts, respecting the hiftory of the liturgy, and the repeated attempts which have been made, by men of the firft diftinction for rank, learning, and perfonal merit, toward a revifal; and points out feveral particulars of amendment which are now generally and earnestly defired. The author pleads, that no time could ever be more favourable to fuch an undertaking than the prefent, and recommends an immediate attention to this bufinefs as of great importance to the fupport of the credit and influence of religion. The hints are good; the plea is weighty; but we fear the convenient Jeafon is not yet arrived.


Art. 74. A Letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, fhewing the Neceffity of a Clerical Reform; and containing a Plan for remedying the Grievances of the Inferior Clergy. By Mr. War-burton. 8vo. Is. 6d. Nicoll. 1788.

Mr. W. expreffes great furprife, that the formal exterior of Christianity, hould have been fo long fupported under the incumbrance of fo many abfurdities; and calls on every man who is a friend to the church to accelerate its reformation, in order to fave it from ruin. His plan of reform is, that every rector, vicar, &c. fhall pay one fourth part of the annual revenue of his benefice to his officiating curate; that no beneficed clergyman fhail perform any parochial duty out of his own parifh for any pecuniary confideration; and that every clergyman fhall be liable to forfeit 401. for nonrefidence for the fpace of one entire month The propofal originates from a petition lately prefented by the inferior clergy of Lancashire to the Bishop of Chester; and the fubject has certainly an urgent claim on the attention of the legislature. D.°

Art. 75.


Effay on the Advantages of the Knowledge revealed to Mankind, concerning the Holy Spirit. By the Rev. Jofeph Whiteley, A M. late of Magdalen College, Cambridge. 15. Leeds, printed; London, fold by Johnfon. 1788. The doctrine of the Divine influence accords well both with natural and revealed religion. The strict Calvinistic opinion of the operation of the spirit, may or may not, for aught we know, entirely correfpond with either. Some years ago a work was published by the celebrated Bp. Warburton, called the Doctrine of Grace, in which, if we rightly recollect, his Lordship feems to confine the operation of the

* By the Duke of Grafton

the Spirit to the miraculous effufion in the early age of Chriftianity, and the infpiration of the Scriptures, in the poffeffion of which all might be faid to be under its guidance and influence. Mr. Whiteley extends the idea much farther, and fuppofes this Divine agency requifite for faith and repentance; for the attainment and improvement of virtuous difpofitions and habits, for confolation, peace and joy. At the fame time he obferves this agency is not compulfive; its purpose is moral improvement, and leaves full fcope to the exercile of the moral powers, and while it co-operates with human endeavours gives ample room for fincerity, attention, and exertion. He enters not into any enquiry concerning the meaning of the fcripture terms, Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghoft; but applies his remarks to a practical use. The effay is intermixed with feveral quotations from ancient writers; but though the heathen fages and poets fometimes speak of a Divine Eflatus, their notions concerning it were not only uncertain, but often wild and fuperftitious; and they even appear to have been not always directed to a moral end. The differtation is ingenious and useful; and, like fome former pieces by this writer, which have been duly noticed in our Reviews, gained the Norrifian prize. Hi...S.

Art. 76. Thoughts on the Duty of Man relative to Faith in Jefus Chrift: in which Mr. Andrew Fuller's leading Propofitions on that Subject are confidered. By John Martin. Part I. 12mo. 2s. Buckland. 1788.

We are wearied with attending to publications of this kind; difputes between we know not who, concerning, we had almoft faid, we know not what. In the prefent pamphlet, there appears to be a great deal of trifling, about words and phrafes, which fome may dignify by the name of verbal criticism. The title-page intimates that there is to be a fequel; poffibly, when that appears, we may have a little more to fay on the fubject.


Art. 77. Free Thoughts on the Extent of the Death of Chrift, the Doctrine of Reprobation, &c. By James Skinner, 12mo. 6d. Buckland. 1788.

Surely there can be little piety and little comfort in fuch reprefentations of the Divine Being as an ignorant heathen might give of Moloch, or other ferocious and fanguinary idols!-To fentiments of fuch a kind this pamphlet is oppofed; and we truft that both reafon and revelation vindicate the oppofition. The Author may probably be, in fome refpects, of popular, or what are deemed orthodox opinions, but nature, reafon, religion, in him, all revolt (and ́ furely with juftice) against the doctrine of reprobation.

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SERMONS in Commemoration of THE REVOLUTION, continued: See our laft Review.

I. Preached at Whittington, Derbyshire, on the Grand Jubilee, or Centenary Commemoration of the glorious Revolution, 1688. By Samuel Pegge, M.A. Rector of Whittington. 4to. Is. Gardner, &c. Mr. Pegge reduces the nature, and the concomitant bleffings of the two deliverances commemorated on the 5th of November, to the two general heads of Church and State.


Under the firft head, he gives a proper defcription of what are justly termed the borrors of popery, the inquifitorial cruelties, and the defpotic tyranny exercifed over the confciences of men, practised and allowed of in the church of Rome.'-He remarks, that the free ufe of the Scriptures, in our native tongue, is a principal advantage derived to us from the Revolution; and that when the clergy exhort their hearers to perufe their Bibles, they display the true spirit and genius of Proteftantifm.'

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So far all is well; but, with regard to what follows, many good Proteftants, we apprehend, will object to fome expreffions. The doctrines of our church,' fays he, contained in the 39 Articles, are conformable to the holy fcripture, and can be proved therefrom; and as to our form of church government, and our liturgy, they approach as nearly to the models of primitive antiquity, as the distance of time, and change of manners and cuftoms, in the common courfe of things can poffibly admit.' [Here it may be observed, we hope without offence, that fome of the brightest ornaments of our church have expressed themselves fomewhat differently on this head.] He proceeds. SOME DISCONTENTED SPIRITS, GIVEN TO CHANGE, are diffatisfied with fome matters in the Liturgy; but the SOBER-MINDED think it best to let it remain as it is with all its blemishes, and to leave thefe PETULANT HUMORISTS to the enjoyment of their own restlessness and fingularity.'

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Here fome of those who, from a fincere admiration of the real beauties of the Liturgy, wish to fee its BLEMISHES removed, may be led to fufpect that the venerable preacher hath unwarily caught a little of that impofing spirit of the church of Rome, which he hath, himself, fo juftly condemned; and they may poffibly afk, "to what purpofe does he exhort his hearers to read the fcriptures, if they are not to judge for themfelves with refpect to their meaning; and are to be branded as difcontented fpirits and petulant humourifts given to change, if they do thus exercife their understandings ?"

We entirely agree with Mr. Pegge, in what he has advanced under the fecond head, refpecting the privileges bestowed on us by the REVOLUTION; and we think, with him, that these bleffings may be loft, in confequence of a general depravity of manners and principles; of which many fymptoms are already but too apparent : fuch as, a decay of Chriftian piety-a general profanation of the fabbath-and an open and avowed indulgence in fornication and adultery, while offenders in this fhameful practice are as well received, and as much careffed, as the moft virtuous and modeft characters. Add to thefe, gaming, which leads to duelling and fuicide. - He also mentions the rottennefs and venality of our parliamentary boroughs, as a main fource of the wickedness of the age; and he concludes by calling on the bishops and clergy, the great officers of ftate, the nobility in general; the learned fages of the law, the juftices of the peace, &c. &c. to concur in the good work of reformation. As to the commonalty, he very properly advifes them to be frugal and quiet, fober and honeft; to obey the laws; to be fubject to the

*What! blemishes in our Liturgy! Surely, this must be a slip of the pen even the fen of orthodoxy!

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